All good here

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It's May. Only a week left in school graduation though is tomorrow. I finished my online classes though, took all my state tests. Im due soon, it takes less time for a baby to be made if you are an angel or demon, and I'm both so it doesn't take long at all. The baby is due in about a week. I can really fucking feel if too. "Baby I'm home!" Aaron shouts as he enters the kitchen. "How was work?" I ask him. "Work was good, I got to work with a new kid." He says. ( He is a baseball couch for minor league kids so around 10-16.) "that's great babe!" I say and give him a hug. He kisses my tummy and goes up to the room and changes his clothes and comes back downstairs. "Mmm what ya making it smells good." He says. I started to learn how to cook since I've been home bound for a while. "I'm making lasagna and garlic bread." I say cheerfully. "Mmm I bet it's gonna be delicious." He says and smiles. "Oh Ben and Riley are coming over in an hour and Riley made chocolate fudge brownies!" I say as I start to put the bread in the oven. "Alrighty, can I turn the game on?" Aaron says. I laugh of course. "Yes baby put the game on." I say back. He makes a victory fist and puts the Met's game on. "Wow wow wow it just started top of the second and we winning!? 3-0!" Aaron shouts. "Wooo let's goooooo!" I shout and we both laugh.
Riley and Ben are over and we are all gathered around the table eating away watching the game. The guys sit on the couch and talk and Riley is helping me clean the dishes. "Hows my little baby nephew doing?" She says. "He is stubborn as hell, definitely gets it from daddy." I say and she laughs. "I'm excited and relieved. It's been a while since anything has happened and you are almost due. And school is finally over. Graduation is tomorrow. I'm ready for it!" She says cheerfully. "I'm glad too." "Hey babe can you get me a beer?" Ben asks Riley. "Hold on lemme finish this dish." She says. Then she goes and grabs him a beer. And she grabs Aaron one as well. "Oh thank you Riley." Aaron says. "No problemo." She says and walks back to the kitchen. "How is college looking?" I ask her. "I've been accepted to Yale & I already started online courses..." She says. I spit out my coffee. "Riley! What the hell!!! That's amazing! You also did those extra classes this year so what you are already like a sophomore!?" I say. "Yep! I'm soon gonna be your favorite doctor!" She says and jumps. I hug her and she hugs me. "Ouchhh!" I say. "You okay!?" She asks me. "My back is killing me that's all." I say. "Why don't you lie down and rest." She says and she brings me up to my room. Aaron comes in shortly after and Riley and Ben leave. "Baby it's 11 let's get some sleep." Aaron says. "I'm coming to your graduation tomorrow." I say. "Are you sure?" He asks me. "I wouldn't miss it." I say and smile. He smiles back and kisses me.

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