Time to go

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"It is not safe here. I have two hideout spots. We need to pack up your guy's stuff and go." I say. "Let me tell my mom I'm going on a trip with you guys." Riley say's. Riley's parents are the only ones who really care where she is at.  All of us basically finished our senior year already. We did summer courses to be ahead. All we really need to do is pass our final tests in May. We already have all our credits so we don't really need to go to school. Ben drives Riley to her place to get clothes and I help Aaron pack his stuff. I have 25 minutes till Aaron is gone. Luckily they left because they didn't wanna see this. "Aaron I need you to lie down on your back and close your eyes." I say firmly. He lies down and I think his eyes are closed but they aren't. In order to get rid of the demon blood I need to kiss his neck and bite down a little too remove it. Basically it seems like I'm giving him a hickey. How cliche I know. I press my lips against his bare neck. I move my arm up to him and press my hand on his chest. I've never done anything like this before. I finish what needs to be done and I get off of him and lend him my hand to help him up. He stares at me with the look of amazement. "Sia you know that's the first time we ever where like intimate." Aaron says. And ya for a whole two years we barely even kissed. "Just shut up and get your stuff packed now." I say and turn around. He gets his stuff packed and twenty minutes later Ben and Riley pull up. "Follow me okay. Whatever you do, do not stop." I tell Ben and Riley. We drive and drive till daybreak. We are now in Connecticut. I have two cabins way up in case of emergencies and I think this calls for that. My father made sure it is sealed off from any human. "We are here." I say to Aaron and I park the car. I get out and say a small chant three times and then the cabins appear. At least to them. "Wow okay.." Ben say's. I tell Aaron to head in to the cabin on the right and on the left I let Riley and Ben enter. "Food is already in the pantry and fridge. And there are two rooms and two bathrooms, they are king size beds so yes, you guys can sleep together." I say and wink at Riley. "Stop itttt!" She says playfully. "Get settled in and sleep. We will talk later." I say and then exit their cabin. I go into my cabin and Aaron is changing his clothes. He looks at me and i can't help but stare at his abs.

Dammit was this boy hot

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Dammit was this boy hot. "So you gonna keep staring?" He says. "Um ya.. I MEAN NO" I say shaking my head.

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