Can i kill you?

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"Stay still don't move!" Nana panics and yells at me. Asher quietly grabs scissors and cuts my sleeve and stares at my arm. "It's not infected, yet." He says calmly. I suddenly am filled with anger and revenge. I shout at him "GET OUT!" And I bang my hands on his chest. I keep hitting and hitting till my arm is completely numb. Finally Nana yells enough and she shoots me up with medicine. I have an IV now.
"She isn't gonna make it. If I give her my blood she'll heal!" I hear a male voice say. "Fucking do something! She is pregnant she could lose the baby! Dammit Asher I brought you here to help fucking help her!" Another guy yells. Aaron Asher and Nana enter the room. "What is happening.. and oh god my damn head!" Aaron looks so sad. Nana and Asher stand back at the door. "Aaron What is.? I'm so confused.." I stutter. "Relax everything will be okay I promise okay?" Aaron says to me and holds my hand. "Asher is here why... I swear to god I'll kill him!" I say. Aaron shakes his head. "He is here to help... you." Aaron says regretfully. "Can y'all move now? She don't got the time to talk. She's dying." Asher says. "If you talk again ima slap you." I say to him and roll my eyes. "Love you too Sia." He says.

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