Damion POV

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Dad calls mom and tells her we have a slight situation. Mom says she is on her way but I tell her not to come near the school. I hear someone outside the door. "Angel boy come hereeeeee." I hear. "Don't you dare.." my dad whispers to me. I don't know what to do really. Then the door fucking fly's open. "I guess the lock is broke.." dad says. "No shit dad..." I say back. Katalina stares at me and smiles. I smile back. "Come here pretty boy." She says to me. "Sorry no can do." I say back and role my eyes. Her eyes turn completely red and black. "I've never seen that before..." dad says. I instantly tackle her to the floor and I start to glow. "GET OFF ME!" She shouts and turns into a completely different person. I get off her and throw fire at her. "Fire?" I say. "LYDIA WHAT THE FUCK!" Dad says. "Who's Lydia?" I say. She gets up and looks totally different. "Is sia coming." She says. "'No!" I say. "Then I'll take one of you!" She shouts and tries to grab Dad. I quickly grab her arm and twist it. "Your eyes are red you know that hun?" She says and laughs. "Shut up.." I say back. I drag her out the room and she leaves. Mom came and saw her leaving. Mom runs toward me and hugs me. "Who's Lydia.." I ask. "That's your grandmother.." mom says with a sadden look. "I think you should come home with me babe." Mom says to me. Dad agrees, so I go home with mom.
   Mom gives me an eventful talk and tells me if it happens again I immediately must call her or else she gonna kick my ass. "She is dangerous, I'm shocked you are here and she left so easily." Mom says. "Mom she was someone totally different then she just changed, how the heck?" I say. "Your grandmother is very good at changing her appearance... one thing I hate." Mom says. Dad comes home and sits down on the couch... "I'll cook." I say. "Can you even cook?" Dad asks me. "I'll just follow Google. No big deal. Pasta it is tonight!" I say and everyone laughs.

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