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Im moving around now, everyone left and went back home. Except, Nana Jesse and well Daunte. He is still out cold. "Jesse when are you leaving? Its been three days." I say to him. "Once this stubborn ass man wakes up, i might go." He says to me. He has not left Daunte's side. "Mom, can you come here?" I hear Damion say from downstairs. I go down and am struck with arms around me. "Sia!" Someone shouts. "Hey Riley. You alright?" I say and wrap my arms around her. "Im good, I heard about it all, are you okay? How is Daunte?" She asks me. "Im fine, a lot better then i was, Daunte is um.. he is not waking up." I say and try to contain my tears. She lets goes of me and I see Ben talking with Aaron. "How is he?" I ask Riley. "Oh, Ben is fine." She says to me. "SIA!' I hear Jesse shout, then he comes running down the stairs. 'It's.... it's Daunte." He says and pulls me up the stairs. We burst into the room and I see Nana trying to calm Daunte down. He is yelling and swinging his hands. "Hey! Daunte! It's me It's Sia!" I say and grab his arms so he stops swinging. "Where.. am i?" He says. "You are in my house. It's okay." I say and sigh. "Sia.." He says softly and then he wraps his arms around me and brings me into a hug. I hug him back tightly. "You.. you are alive, thank you for keeping your promise." He says softly. "Well, I dont break my promises." I say back. "It's over right.. we won?" Daunte asks. "Yes, we won." I say back. He pulls away and kisses my forehead gently. "Im so happy..." He says and smiles."Me too..." I say back and smile. "Where is Damion?" Daunte asks. "I will get him." Nana says and goes out to get Damion. Jesse is standing in the corner. "Damion.." Daunte says. Damion runs over and hugs Daunte. "I thought i lost you...." Damion says and cries into Daunte's shoulder. "You kiddin? Cant get rid of me that easily, you know how stubborn my ass is." Daunte says. I smile and so does Daunte. Damion laughs a little. "You are right..." Damion says. "Are you going back..." Jesse interjects. "I cant go back, you know Hades will kill me. He might just kill you as well..." Daunte says. "I am not going back, Tobias and Hades can suck a fat co.." "OK JESSE WE GET IT, CHILDREN ARE PRESENT!" I shout, cutting him off. Everybody laughs, "Im serious!" I say back. "Ya cause im a little kid." Damion says and rolls his eyes. I roll my eyes in return. "Um i brought you some food." Nana says and walks in. "Thanks love." Daunte says and kisses Nana on the lips. She is in shock and her whole face turns fifty different shades of pink. "Heh, I like you." Daunte says to her. "I know, I like you too..." Nana says. "OK OUR QUE TO LEAVE!' Damion says and drags me out the room and Jesse follows. "Those two... got a weird relationship." Jesse says and we all laugh. "Demon and angel together, gotta be sketchy." I say back. "You bet..." Damion says. 

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