This volume is over

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Hiya guys! So this will be the last part of this volume. EHHH ENJOY

  I wake up to a loud banging sound and go downstairs to see what it is. "Daunte? It's 2 Am what the hell are you doing?" I say. "WE GOT TO GO NOW!" He says and grabs my arm. "Why?!" I shout. "Hell hounds..." Is all he says. "You got to be kidding me.." I say. "SIA WOULD I REALLY LIE RIGHT NOW!" He says and drags me into the car. "Where are we going.?" I ask. "Away from here. No you CAN NOT tell anyone where we are going." He says and drives off. " But Damion and Aaron.." I say quietly. "Ya I know okay." He says and holds my hand. "FUCK." I hear Daunte say under his breath. "What was that!?" I ask. "If i told you to stay in the car would you listen?" He says and gets out. Of course I follow him out. "I knew it.." He says. "It's time.." Daunte says. "For what!" I shout. "Sia get mad." Daunte says to me. "I cant just get mad.." I say to him. "Well if you dont, we are going to Hell..." He says to me. "Wait.. what!" I shout. "GET DOWN!" He shouts and pushes me to the floor. A huge pit of fire comes out of fucking nowhere and Daunte looks horrified. "We got to go.." I say. "Mhm.. this wont be fun.." He says and pulls me up off the floor. "I wont leave your side.." He says. "I wont leave yours." I say back. We jump. Yes we jumped into the hot fucking ring of death! 

  "Sia, long time.." A voice says to me. "Who is this?" I say into the darkness. Daunte is standing next to me and wont let go of my hand. "Daunte, you disgust me." The voice says. "Wasn't trying to please you.. Father." He says. "Wait, Father?" I say. "Let me guess, You are taking us to Hades?" Daunte says to the man. "Let's go." His father says. Then everything changes the whole atmosphere, everything. "Welcome to Hell.." Daunte says to me. "Its changed." I say to him. "Yep and for the worse... Persephone is.. dead." Daunte whispers. "YOU ARE KIDDING ME." I say a bit louder then I wanted to. He just nods his head. "Go in." His father says and opens the doors to Hades castle. "Welcome home Sia.. and Daunte." Lydia says to us. "Mother.." I say firmly. She just smiles her wicked smile. "Hades is waiting for you." She says and ushers us to follow her into a bright room. "Well well, you arrived." He says. Daunte squeezes my hand and we both kneel down. "Stand up children." Hades says, we stand up and this time, I squeeze his hand. Hades locks his eyes on me and I drop to the floor and scream out in pain. "What are you doing to her!" Daunte shouts at him. "Im turning her." He says simply. "Sia, just do it, it'll hurt more if you resist." Daunte says to me. "FINE!" I shout. I turn and finally Hades stops staring me down. "Very good." He says and crosses his arms. "Take Daunte to the dungeon, leave Sia with me. NOW." He commands and two of his guards come out of nowhere and grab Daunte. "NO! SIA!" Daunte shouts. "I'll.. be okay.." I say back to him. "You can't lie to me!" Daunte shouts and tries to break free of the guards tight grasp. "Take him away NOW!" Hades shouts. " you want from me.." I say and hold my head down, staring at the floor. "Darling, I want you." He says. I look up and see him directly in front of me grinning. "What do you mean.." I say and he puts his hand around my neck, choking me. 

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