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"A simple game of truth or dare." She says. "Really.." Aaron says. "Aaron... leave." I whisper. "I'm not leaving you." He says. "Fine. We will play." I say. Lydia grins. "Daunte truth or dare?" Lydia says. "Dare. I'm rebellious." He says. "Kiss Sia." She says. "Alright." He says and kisses my cheek. "No no her lips." She says. He reluctantly does. "I'm sorry." He whispers. I just nod my head. "Sia, truth or dare." She says. "Truth." I reply. "How do you really feel about Daunte." She says. "He's changed, he's good now. He is trying his best to support his son." I say. "That isn't your truth." She growls. Then I hear Damion yell. "DAMION!" Aaron shouts. I look over and see a knife stabbed into Damion's hand. "Stop!" I shout. "TRUTH SIA!" She yells. "WHAT HAPPENED THE NIGHT YOU WHERE KIDNAPPED!" I stare at Daunte.. Daunte stares back at me. "I told him to do it." I say finally. Nana and Aaron's eyes go huge. "You what..." Aaron says. "It was the only way... to protect you..." I say. Lydia starts to laugh. "That true?" Lydia asks Daunte. He finally answers after a full 3 minutes. "Yes, she told me to. Aaron I can explain why.." he says. "I'd love to hear this." Aaron says and I grab his hands. "I told her, if she let me, I'd let her take you home..." he says and puts his head down. Aaron looks hella mad. "Aaron..." I say. "Don't." He growls. "Don't talk to her like that." Daunte says firmly. "You still love her?" Lydia finally interjects. "I'll always love her." Daunte says. "Well go fuck your self! You aren't having her!" Aaron shouts. "Aaron please! Stop!" Nana shouts. And finally I come to my senses. Lydia is grinning and is standing up. "Oh shit." Daunte says.
"Come here child." She says and points to me. I stand up and stare her down. "Now." She commands. I walk over to her and she stares at me. "You liked it." She says. "I did not." I scold. "You did." She says. "Stop this." I say back. "Let Damion go. I'll.. stay with you." I say finally. Lydia's eyes go big, so do everyone's. "No mom..." I hear Damion say. "Shut it!" Lydia shouts. Then Damion gets stabbed again in the leg. "Stop!" I shout. My eyes begin to water up and I feel like my body is shutting down. "Stand up child." Lydia says. "You aren't doing this!" Nana shouts and throws a knife this time hitting Lydia straight in the chest. "RUN!" She shouts to me. I already see Aaron untying Damion. Daunte rushes over to me and grabs me. He carries me out the dining room and I see Aaron carrying Damion and Nana threw another knife and then bolted out.
"Aaron I..." I start to say but Daunte tells me to be quiet. I yell in pain. "What's wrong?" Daunte asks me. "I got shot?" I say questioning my damn self. "Oh gosh." Daunte says. "Dammit!" Nana says. "I guess she shot before I could stop her.." She says. "Ill be ok..." I say and I doze off.
"God dammit!" I shout. "Listen to me Aaron it's gonna be okay." Nana says to me trying to calm me down. "I'm going to kill you." I say to Daunte. "No you aren't. You need me." Daunte says. "Does she love you..." I say. "I don't know. She wants you." He says to me and lightly places Sia down on our bed. "She wants you both." Damion says. "You're awake." I say and give him a big hug. "She wants you both. But she loves Aaron more." He says. "How do you know..." Nana asks Damion. "I'm her son, I know what she is feeling." Damion says. "You are stronger then I thought..." Daunte says. "Let's all just get some damn sleep. You guys can stay the night." I say to Daunte and Nana. "Like we where gonna go home after tonight." Nana says. She gives me a hug and Damion a hug, then they go to the guest room. "You are healing?" I say and look at Damion's hand and leg. "Ya I'm fine." He says and smiles. "So that was your grandmother..." I say. "She is a bitch just like you said." Damion says. "She is worse then that. I was just being nice." I say and Damion nods his head in agreement. "I love you. Get some sleep." I tell him. He gives me a hug and goes to his room. "God Sia why didn't you just tell me..." I whisper then fall asleep next to her.

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