Really? ( Aaron POV )

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I come home from a fun day only to see my girl, Sia waisted as all fuck. I'm not angry I'm just hurt. Why would she need to drink all that? And oh god is that a damn blunt?! SINCE WHEN DID SIA SMOKE! I go over and make her what I call a hangover shake. Trust me, it's not the best but it sure works pretty damn well. I would know from experience. "Listen go to bed." I say. She reluctantly gets up and starts walking toward the stairs. I knew she would not be able to master walking up stairs waisted. So I stayed close to her. And I knew it she fell. I carried her into bed. I go downstairs and I clean up that whole damn mess on our dining room table. I decided it was time to crack open a beer. God what a day. She doesn't open up so she drinks but not like this. This is new. Something is really wrong.
I decided to make her some homemade chicken noodle soup with veggies. Her favorite. It will help with her massive hangover. She's gonna feel that vodka for sure. As I'm cooking Ben calls me. "Hello?" I say. "Hey! Listen so Charlie stopped by OUR place and uh Nana and her well they got into a bit of an argument and now we don't have a dining room table. And this sucks like really but do you think Sia can try to calm Charlie down?" He says. "Um actually I'll calm her down. Sia is not allowed near her again." I say. "What why did she hurt her!?" Ben says. "Long ass story I'll be over in five though." I say and hang up. I let the soup boil on low and grab my coat and head over. I hope Sia doesn't wake up.

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