Training time boys

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It's been about a week and a half since Nana coming down to earth. We are all enjoying ourselves and Nana is living in the cabin with Riley and Ben. Wonder how that is. Nana and me decided if they want to help we got to train them. So today, is training day. Now I won't bore you with the details of how the weather was. It was hot like really hot. That's it. "LISTEN UP CHILDREN OF THE CORN!" Nana says. "Nana don't say that... children of the corn is a horror movie and Riley hates it." I laugh out loud. "I thought humans say that sort of thing. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT LEFT AND RIGHT IS ANYMORE AHHHH!" She squeals. We all bust out laughing at her reaction. "We will train today. And it's gonna be pretty hard core. Ladies and gentleman welcome to your first demon fighting class."
Nana is with Riley and Ben and it seems like Ben is getting the hang of things Riley, not so much. "IM NOT USED TO FIGHTING IM USED TO JUST EXPLODING THINGS!" She shouts. A burst of laughter escapes from all of us at her sudden comment. Riley loves science and always find ways to explode anything. "Exploding things are good!" Nana replies. "How so..."Riley says looking down at her feet. "Think of it like this. If any of us are in a situation and we need someone to make a bomb or detonate one, we got you. And science is good! We need lots of holy water and salt, ya it really does sound like an episode of supernatural down here." I say. Riley chuckles. "I guess I am good at that stuff." She says. "Just practice more you'll get it soon." Ben says to Riley and places his hand on her shoulder.
I turn and look at Aaron who is just looking at his surroundings. "You ready, cuz I'm gonna kick your ass." I say to him. "Challenge accepted baby." He says with a grin on his face. "Remember no changing Sia!" Nana shouts to me. Shit, right we promised not to turn because it's them. Well looks like I gotta be old fashioned. "Don't take it easy on me. If you do you can sleep outside!" I say to Aaron. "Ouch how cruel." He says back. I make the first attempt and I punch him right in side. Of course not using my full strength because I'm afraid to see how that is. He barely even flinches at my sudden attack. "You can hit harder." He says smiling. Is this amusing to him? Doesn't matter I'm gonna kick his ass anyways. Suddenly Aaron moves to my right and grabs my arm. Trying to take me down to the ground. "Not todayyy!" I yell. And I quickly break free and grab his arm and twist it back. He doesn't tap out. "Tap out now or I'm gonna take you down." I say in his ear. "Try it baby." He says and grins. Now he is testing my patience ugh why is he so difficult? I make a move and try to sweep my leg under his to take him to the floor quicker but it didn't work out. Instead he jumps over my leg and head buts me, making me lose my grip and focus on his arm. He breaks free and turns around and stares at me. "You done yet?" He says. I'm Not even close. "Nice job. Now attack me." I say to hm. He stops and is about to say no but I quickly slide tackle him down to the floor. "See now if you would of said no, you'd be sleeping outside." I say as I'm getting off the ground. I quickly got up and pinned him to the cold hard ground. "TAP OUT!" I say. Finally after about 2 minutes of me on top of him, he taps out. "Pushing your luck there. A demon could of ripped your arm off." I say. "You wouldn't though. That's why I let you win." He says. Did he really just say he let me win!? Oh helll no! "Tomorrow you can go against Nana, and she won't take it easy on you." I say. Aaron stops and turns around and laughs. "Baby you did good. You aren't used to fighting in your human form are you?" He says.

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