Talk to god like he next to me

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We head out to the mall and Damion is definitely acting like a child. "Dad the sky is so blue!" He exclaims. "Yes it is." Aaron says back and tries to contain a smile. "Earth is interesting isn't it?" Nana says to Damion. "It is.. mom why was I in a white room talking to a man.?" Damion says. I practically spit out my coffee. "What did this man look like!?" I say shocked. Nana also looks stunned. "It was right before I stopped glowing, he said I need to be careful and he'll always love me and he wants me to stay with you. And then he disappeared. He was tall, had a beard. Was wearing all white." Damion tells us. "Did he talk to god?" Nana asks me telepathically. "I would say yes..." I say back. "Interesting." Riley says finally. "Well we are here get out let's go!" Riley shouts.
We all get out and Damion immediately wants to go into Hot Topic. "Is this store to graphic..?" Nana says. Aaron and Riley laugh. "Hot Topic is totally normal for a teenager." Aaron says. We go inside and Damion starts to look at shirts. "What's an E boy?" He asks us. Aaron tried not to laugh. "Where did you learn that?" Riley says. "I heard those guys saying ' I'm definitely an E boy' and he looks cool!" Damion says cheerfully. "Oh gosh my son is gonna be like this isn't he." I whisper. "I like this shirt Dad." Damion says and holds up a MCR shirt. "That band was the shit." Aaron says. "AARON!" I say and hit his arm. "Don't teach him bad language!" I scold. "Sorry bud mom is gonna fight me if I say the ' SH' word so that band was the shizzzz." He says and rolls his eyes. "MCR is a good band." Riley exclaims. "We don't listen to this music up in heaven.." Nana says. "It's all Gospel." I say back. "Gospel isn't bad but like MCR is amazing." Riley says. "Let's let him get what he wants from anywhere. AS LONG AS IT IS NOT INAPPROPRIATE!!" I scold. "Yes mom I understand." Damion says.

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