Kind of gave up with titles soo

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Sia POV 

 "Sia, I love you." Daunte says to me. My body shakes and my grip around Charlie weakens and I drop her and i start to fall out of the sky. Daunte catches me and I stare into his eyes. Im in awe. Then it goes dark. I wake up in my bed with Daunte next to me. "Where is Damion and Rose?" I ask. "They took a walk, he is explaining um everything to her." He says and looks down. I grab his hand. "Daunte, why did you say you love me?" I say shakily He stares at our hands and then looks me in the eyes. "Because it's true Sia." He says to me. "Relax, I know you want Aaron. I will not try to steal you away again." He says and smiles. But i can sense the pain in that smile and in his eyes. "I think i might go." He says. "What no! You cant! Please Daunte... dont leave." I plea. I dont know why but I grab his face and pull him toward me and I kiss him. I move my head back after i realize what I did. "I.. I'm sorry." I say to him and turn my head away. "That should of been.. our first kiss." He says finally. "I wont leave, but no more doing that, then i really wont stop loving you.." He says. I nod my head. "Human is here.." Daunte says and gets up. Aaron is home. "We dont tell him this okay.?" I say. He nods his head in agreement. "Are they okay?" I hear Aaron say. "Up here." Daunte says and Aaron comes rushing up the stairs into the room. "Sia are you okay!?" He says and sits down next to me and hugs me. "Im alright just.. really weak." I say and wince in pain. "Are you tired, hungry?" Daunte asks me. "Hungry.." I say back. "I want Chinese food." I say. They both laugh. "I'll go order it." Daunte says and leaves the room. "Aaron is Damion okay?" I ask. "He is fine, his girlfriend is fine as well, in fact she wants to make sure you are alright." He tells me. "So she knows huh?" I say. "Yes she knows about everything that Damion knows." He says and holds my hand. "I need to get up and see her, make sure she doesn't hate us or is scared." I finally say and try to get up. "You should be resting." Damion says from the door. "Im fine is she here?" I say and he nods his head and I tell him to bring her in. "Hi Miss Lycan." She says to me. "Sweetie please, call me Sia." I say and smile, she smiles too. "Are you alright?" She asks me. "Yes ill be fine. You can stay for dinner, Daunte is ordering Chinese food." I say. "Well thank you." She says. "Damion told me everything, don't worry I'm not gonna run off. I'll try my best to help him." She says to me and smiles. I smile back of course.

 Rose and I talked a lot, apparently her parents died and her aunt watches her but she is always traveling the world so she is basically on her own.  " Ya my life is very sad, but I try to make the best of it and be happy for myself and everyone." She says to me. "Well, I know Damion will always be here for you and so will I. So will this whole crazy fucked up family." I say and we both laugh a little. "They all like you, you just got to meet Ben, Riley's boyfriend." I say. "Oh boy, I'm ready!" She says. 

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