Who's this?

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Nana and Riley come rushing over, "uh your door is kind of dead." Riley says. All of a sudden Nana gets in front of Riley and yells "THATS A DEMON STAY BACK!" Nana then starts to glow. I know what she is about to do. Immediately I step in front of Charlie and Nana and I yell to Nana "STOP SHE IS HERE TO HELP!" Charlie eyes glow red and she stares directly at Nana. Nana stops glowing but won't let Riley leave her side. "Tell her to stop with her damn eyes." Nana says and stares directly at Charlie. "Fine I'll stop" Charlie says. "I'm gonna uh go to town and get a new door, Ben come with me and Riley you too." Aaron says. "If anything happens you call me immediately got it?" I say to Aaron. He smiles and nods his head. "Baby girl I'll be fine, you fix whatever this is okay."

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