Sick day

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It's a week later and we still up here. Aaron is making us breakfast. Now that they all know about me I don't really hide my wings much. It hurts to hide them. "Breakfast is ready babe!" Aaron yells from downstairs. I get up and throw on a sweatshirt because it's freaking freezing. Angels and demons are very sensitive to cold because we are used to warmer environments. And I'm both so I'm VERY sensitive. I'm freaking freezing my wings off it seems. "Babe it's only 56 are you okay?" Aaron says to me with a puzzled look. "Um ya I'm alright thanks.." I say. "Stop lying now. Here drink this." He ushered me to sit down next to him at the table and he made me a plate and gave me a cup of coffee, and then wrapped me up in a blanket. "T..thank you." I stutter. "I can't do the cold. I never could adjust to it.." I say finally. "That's why when it's around this time you always bundle up isn't it." Aaron says pouring me more coffee. I nod my head in agreement. Today is not gonna be fun. I say in my head. "SIA GO LIE DOWN WHAT IN THE NAME OF HADES ARE YOU DOING!?" Nana shouts. "You do realize you are in my head right and you are EXTREMELY loud!?" I say to her. Aaron chuckled a little because I wrote down on a napkin "Nana won't shut up, Riley and her are definitely related." I roll my eyes and just say goodbye to Nana. I go to get up and I almost fall if If wasn't for Aaron being right next to me. "Wow.." I say. "Let's get you in bed. NOW." Aaron whispers in my ear.
Aaron helps me upstairs and into bed. "I'm sorry Aaron. I should be taking care of you guys and now I'm sick. I'm such a terrible friend.." I didn't think he was listening but in fact he was. He comes over and just passionately kisses me. "Stop right there. You are amazing and it is not your fault. Now rest, before I get doctor Riley over here and she makes you watch terrible chic flics and eat ice cream." He says and we both laugh. Riley always loves to take care of me when I'm not feeling well. That girl is always helping others but never herself, she is like Nana. Definitely related.

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