Im gonna kill her

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"The hell you are! Leave now Charlie!" I shout and bust through Riley&Ben's cabin door. Charlie says something and I'm to focused on Nana starting to glow I barely hear her. "Nana calm down. Ill handle this." I say to her. "GET OUT NOW!" Nana shouts and throws a ball of light straight at Charlie, knocking her off her feet. "Ouch.. that hurt." Charlie says getting back up. Nana is ready to throw another but then I see someone rush down the stairs and runs straight into Nana line of fire. "DONT DO THIS!" Riley says to Nana and hold her hands out. "She isn't worth it!" Nana looks sad and goes ".. Riley..." And then she puts her hands down back at her side. Aaron grabs Charlie and surprisingly takes her to the floor with a nice ass move I taught him in training. Then he drags her out the place by her damn hair. Well shit, eventful afternoon huh? Ben hugs Riley and Riley just starts to cry.

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