Dress time

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It's 8 am and Aaron left for school already. I decide to make some eggs and bacon for myself and make a cup of coffee. I guess it's time to get a maternity dress... I think to myself. I first clean up the house and by the time I'm done it's around 9:30 so I head out and of course I grab my Starbucks like the basic bitch I am. Pink drink all the damn way guys. I head over to the mall and I go into JcPenny's and I look around. "Mm how much is this? The tag is missing." I ask a staff member. "Oh hi! You are back!" The lady says. I turn back around and realize this girl was this girls mom who was in my theatre class. I've seen her at some cast parties. "Oh hunny you are pregnant!?" She says and gasps. "Um.. yes I am I know surprising. I'm also engaged." I say and smile. "Oh hunny you are okay? Do you need any help.?" She asks me. "No I'm alright I'm due next week. I'm just buying a dress to see my boyfriend and friends graduate. We gonna go out to have a nice dinner after and see a movie." I say and smile at her. "Alright well it's $20.95 and I bet it will look fabulous on you sweetie!" She says and gets me a size and I go and try it on. Wow it's nice... I say to myself.

"I'll like to purchase this!" I say and she rings me up cheerfully

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"I'll like to purchase this!" I say and she rings me up cheerfully. "Have a great day!" She says and I smile and wave back. It's around 1 so I head out to the food court to get lunch. I'm craving Panda Express! I walk over and get my food and sit down by the doors so I can quickly leave when I'm done. I saw some girls from school walking around and I prayed they don't see me. Aaron is apart of the set up committee so he's setting up on the football field that's why we is there. "Sia!?" A girl shouts. Oh fuck me... I try to ignore it. Then they walk over. "Sia hi! It's been forever.. oh fuck!" The girl says... her name is Ashley, and she loves gossip. "Wait till people here about this.." she whispers. "Is there a problem.?" I say. "So you are a slut? Huh would of never guessed." Then she laughs. "Ashley isn't it time you worry about yourself?" I say back. "You clearly got knocked up by who? I bet it was Riley's boyfriend." She says and laughs. "Ashley I know who the father is! You sleep with any guy with a dick and you had What two abortions? That's killing a baby. I wouldn't fucking talk! At least I'm happy and consented to this." I say and get up. She pushes me and by now a crowd is around us. A man comes up and grabs Ashley and drags her away. "That's my sister in law shut it!" The guy says. It was Ben.. "Ben thank you..." I say and hug him. "I'm sorry that happened. But are you coming tonight..?" He says. "Of course I'm coming! Now you should go get ready!" I say and smile. He nods his head and walks me to my car and I leave. It's only 2 and shit happened ughhhhh. I need another pink drink!

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