Damion POV

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It's the weekend and I'm with Daunte. "Wanna go out for dinner?" He asks me. "Sure." I reply. Mom calls me ugh, what does she need now? "Babe are you safe?" She says to me. "Ya I'm with Dad.. DAUNTE! What's wrong?" I say. Mom didn't pick it up but Daunte did and he smiled. "Just making sure can you put Daunte on the phone?" She asks. I hand it to Daunte. "Hey doll." He says. "The invitation is changed, to tomorrow." She says. I'm confused but I don't bother asking. "What time.?" He says. "5 pm." She says. "Alright I'll be there with Nana. See ya." He says and hangs up.
  We are going out to dinner I believe to Olive Garden, if I'm correct. "You ever been here?" I ask Daunte. "Nope but Nana loves it so we trying." Daunte says and pulls in. We go and place our order and Daunte finally starts to talk to me. "How is school?" He asks. "It's alright I'm doing three sports and my grades are all A's and B's so far." I say. "That's good what sports?" "Soccer, baseball and, weightlifting." I say. "Damn my son is a full blown athlete let's go!" He says with glee. I laugh it off. "Dad thinks I should stick to one sport though." I say accidentally. "Well do what makes you happy not for him but for you. I know your mom loves seeing you active like this." He says to me. "Is she happy? Mom seems so out of it recently." I ask him. "She is alright, your mom and your dad are going through a rough patch if you can't tell. And it's probably because of me." Daunte says. "I know what you've done and I am learning to accept it. Dad not so much." I reply honestly. Daunte looks upset and just drinks his lemonade. "Ya I know, I've done bad shit to your family... I'm trying to be better. Go figure a demon trying to behave." He says. We both laugh. "So real question, what am I more of..?" I ask. Daunte almost spits out his drink. "Demon. Your mothers demon side is stronger and we had you. And I'm full demon." He says. "Why did I speak to god then?" I ask. "UM YOU DID WHAT?!" He practically shouts. "Is it weird?" I ask. "Um... you are more special then I thought." He says.
  We eat our dinner and Daunte takes me back home. "I'll be ready and meet you here tomorrow." Daunte says to mom. "Thank you." She says and we head inside.

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