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It's Damion first day of school. I won't bore you with details as usual but it's Monday. "Damion! Breakfast is ready!" I shout. He comes downstairs and he looks tired but that's because he's nervous. "If you are wearing that chain around your neck we got a problem sir." I say to Damion. He gives me a wicked eye role. "Don't role your eyes at me, take that chain off now." I say firmly back to him. He takes it off and hands it to me. "Eat up." I say. Aaron comes downstairs and fixes his shirt and kisses my forehead. "I'm starting my job tomorrow, so today I'm going to unpack more." I say to Aaron. "Mom what is your job?" Damion asks me. "I'm a doctor." I say. "How are you if you didn't go to college?" Damion asks me. "Fake Id's and back stories from Nana." I say. "Oh okay." He says and finishes eating and washes his plate. "Time to go!" Aaron says and Damion and him leave for school. Now I'm by myself. Peace and quiet finally!

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