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"Asher, Daunte, and me where sent by your mother Sia. She wants you desperately." Charlie starts to say. "She thought I despised you and she wanted me to tag along with the boys cause well let's be honest they want you and they want your little girl friend. And Lydia thinks they will jeopardize the whole plan. So I was here to keep them in check." Nana slams her hand down on the table, "If those demon boys even think about laying a finger on my little sister I will destroy them myself!" She shouts. "Nana calm down it's okay. I won't let them get to Riley. I promise on my father." I say to her. Nana slowly unclenches her fists and sits back down. "We need a plan and fast." Nana says. It is not safe here. We got to move. "Ladies this is a game to them. Sia is the main objective. Everyone else is simply bonus points." Charlie says and takes a sip of her beer. I don't get how demons can like beer. I rarely ever drink it. I guess that's the angel in me. "You are right. They want me. Not you guys. We need to trick them." I tell them. "How in the name of Hades are we suppose to trick two of your mother's best demon boys?" Nana says and sighs. "We give them what they want...Me." I firmly say and slam my hand down

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