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They venture to the living room while I venture to my wine bottles. This is gonna be interesting if Ben has to talk to us. I sit down next to Aaron and Ben starts talking "So Sia I um got a message." He says looking straight at me. My body tenses and I don't know why but I feel like we are being watched. "Wait what do you mean?" Aaron says. I'm totally quiet and am trying to listen to our surroundings.... one...two...three... THREE PEOPLE! "GET DOWN NOW!" I shout and I grab Aaron and push him to the floor. BAM! One shot. BAM! Another shot. Then the door is kicked down. Dammit I loved that door too. "Stay behind me don't move. Nana  must of heard that she should be here soon! "Wait but then who is with Riley!" Ben shouts.. SHIT! They want this! "NANA DONT MOVE, STAY WITH RILEY GET HER TO THE BASEMENT!" I tell Nana. "What's going on I heard something. Are you okay!?" Nana asks me. "PROTECT RILEY!" I say back. ( if you can't tell we used our psychic link.) Aaron gets up off the floor and so does Ben. "Stay low and stay behind me!" I say back to them. I see three people walk in... I shouldn't say people, I should say demons. "This is her place right?" One of them says. "Ya it should be. I picked up her little friend's sent." Another says. "SHUT UP GUYS LETS JUST FIND HER!" A girl says. Huh a girl.?? That's very odd. Aaron and Ben rush over to the kitchen and go down to the basement. Like I told them to because them in the way is the last thing I need. I quickly hide behind the kitchen counter and wait till I here them go upstairs. I happen to peak and I see a girl... I know her.. it's Charlie. "Sia come out!" Charlie says. My eyes turn red and I get up and stare directly at her. "Leave now before this gets ugly." I say firmly. "Listen I'm here to help.. them not so much." She says and puts her hands up. "You used to hate me why in the name of Hades should I believe you?" I say and firmly grab my hand trying to control my anger. "I know but listen, I know the power you have and I know what your mother wants.. it isn't right. You should be able to love whoever you want not be forced.." She says and looks down. "Sounds like you know how hard it is huh." I say. "It's a long story Sia... Save it for another time." She says back at me. "GO HIDE! I'll tell Daunte and Asher you aren't here!" She says. I nod my head and go to the basement where Aaron and Ben are.

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