Dinner time @ the cheesecake factory

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We head over to the Cheesecake Factory because Ben and Aaron absolutely love cheesecake. Riley and me like there shakes so it's a win win. Ben pulls me aside, "I think you should tell Aaron what happened today. Ashley's brother is the close with him, Aaron will talk to him and he will surely tell Ashley off." He says. "I don't wanna worry him. It'll be okay." I say back. Ben just says alright and goes back over to Riley. "Hi yes we have an 8:30 reservation! Should be under Sia and Aaron." Riley says. "Ah Yes right this way please." The lady says and we all follow her to our booth. "I'm so proud of you guys and Aaron that speech was amazing." I say cheerfully. "Thank you." He says and hugs me. "I'm just glad high school is over, too much drama." Riley says. Ben says amen and we all laugh. I love when we are all ourselves and out together. It's been so long. "Tell Riley I said congrats please!!" Nana says in my head. "Riley, nana says congrats and she loves you." I tell her. She smiles and says she loves her too.
We get our food after what seems like forever and we all eat. "How are you with the baby?" Ben asks me. "I'm alright, in pain but alright. Baby is healthy that's good." I say in response. "That's good!" Riley says. "Guys painted the room?" She asks. "Yep all done." Aaron says. We talk for a while and finally we all part our ways and go home. I'm so happy for all of them.

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