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Darkness filled around the room. No escape from the black void I'm in right now. I hear..laughing? I'm questioning my damn self right now. "Who's there!" I shout. Nothing. Not a single word, just laughing. "Show yourself!" I scream. It goes quiet. "Hi little girl." I hear someone say. It's a deep low tone, I know it's a man. "Who is that?" I ask. "Who do you think?" The voice says, this time I hear it from behind me and turn quickly around. But again, no one is there. "Well I don't know that's why I'm asking." I say and roll my eyes. "Don't you dare get smart with me!" The voice shouts. I tense up and freeze in place. "Who are you?" I say to the figure in front of me. "Three days. Noon. Be ready. We are coming." The man says. "Who the fuck are you?" I shout this time filling with anger. I hear laughing again. "Be ready child." The man says and then disappears. I'm left alone in the darkness. I start to cry and shake. What the fuck was that!? Who's coming!? What's going to happen! So many questions are running through my head. "WAKE UP!" I hear.

   "WAKE UP!" Someone shouts. I bolt up and swing. I open my eyes and see Aaron pinning me down and Daunte next to me. "What.. what is going on?" I say out of breathe. "Sia you weren't breathing.. for five minutes." Daunte says. "What?" I say. Aaron nods his head and gets off of me. "Daunte. I need your help." I say. I get up and run over and hug him. He doesn't know what to do. He hugs me back and I sob. "Talk to me." Daunte says. I let go and sit down on the bed. God my head is spinning! "I was alone.. in a dark room, this man told me something." I start to say. Aaron sits down beside me and holds my hand. Daunte is standing looking down at me with concerned eyes. "Someone is coming. Three days, at noon he will be here." I say. Daunte eyes go big. "What did the man sound like.." he asks, shaking. "Low.. deep voice. It didn't sound like Hades. But could it be..?" I say. "I think.. it's his son." Daunte says. "You are kidding?" I say. "His son, was created. He doesn't have a mother. He was formed. He controls the titans...." Daunte says. "I never thought he would come here... something must of really pissed Hades off if he is calling for his son and the titans to come.." Daunte exclaims. "Ya.. I'm not with him. That's why." I say. Daunte looks up and stares me down. "Don't say that." Aaron says. "If I would of stayed, he wouldn't of called for all of this! What are we gonna do..." I say and start shaking. "We fight, what else do we got?" Daunte says. "There are 4 of us, against the titans? It's impossible!" I shout. "Not impossible.. just extremely difficult. I'll get us help." Daunte says and runs off. "Aaron, I need you to take Riley and Ben and get as far away from here as possible. Go to the safe house in Australia. I'll give Xavier your number and he will call you. Start packing." I say to him. "What about Damion?" He says.. "im going to need him.." I say. Aaron's eyes go big, bigger then Daunte's did. What the hell is going to happen!?

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