1 year later

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It has been one year since Tobias has came down to Earth. It is also, my wedding day. We are in Turks and Caicos, Nana and Riley are helping me get ready. "Put the dress on!" Riley squeals.  I put the dress on and i stare at myself in the mirror. "You are so beautiful." Nana says and starts to cry. "I cant believe you are getting married!" She exclaims and throws her hands up in the air. Riley and I laugh at her reaction. "You two get dressed." I say and go out to the bathroom. I come back and they both are in there bridesmaid dresses.  "You know, Aaron's family is here right. Not just his sister and her daughter.." Riley says to me. "His mother and father are here?" I ask. "Mhm... they wont leave." Nana says and sighs. "If they ruin this so help me i will kick there ass." Nana says. "No ass kicking today!" I say and throw my hands up. We hear a knock on the door and we tell them to come in. "Damion!" I say and give him a big hug. "You look amazing mom." Damion says to me. "You look very handsome, oh is Rose outside?" I say. "She is just finishing up, she helped me tie this thing." Damion says and points at his tie. Rose walks in and is admiring us three. "You ladies look stunning, as always." Rose says. "Why thank you, you look stunning as well love." Nana says and gives her a smile. "Well, you guys ready?" Damion says. "Yes lets go!" I say. 

Nana and Riley go on and walk down the isle, then Aaron's niece, Sophie, walks down with the flower petals on the right, Rose on the left. "You ready?" Damion asks me and takes my hand. "Yes." I say back and smile. We start to walk out and everybody stands up and smiles, and of course taking pictures. He escorts me to the front and I see Aaron he is smiling but also has tears running down his face. I see Jesse and Daunte standing by him and they give me assuring smiles. Damion smiles and then goes over and stands next to Daunte. "You look beautiful.." Aaron says. I know i am blushing uncontrollably. "Thank you.." I say back. We go back and forth with the "I do's" then we stop and Aaron starts to say his vows to me. "Sia Harper, for the longest time, i have loved you. When we first went on a real date, I remember how tense you where, you where just a girl, in this big world. I told you everything will be alright, and you believed me. We laughed, smiled, but most importantly, we where happy. The happiest we have ever been. Sia, with you, I am complete. These past couple of years have been the hardest for us, but also the best. I got to see the real you, and i fell in love all over again. Whatever happens, i will always love you, I will always be here. I dont care what anyone says, you are my everything." I am trying to contain my tears. "Well damn you Aaron, we all be crying!" Riley says. We all laugh a little and i wipe my tears away. "I love you." I say to him, "I love you too Sia." He says. He passionately kisses me and pulls me into him. The world seemed to stop, in this moment, it is just us two, i love it. Then i hear clapping. "YA!!!!!!" I hear Nana shout. Aaron pulls away and he holds my hand. "Forever and always my love." Aaron says to me. "Forever and always." I say back. 

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