Its a boy

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It's been a month since we've been here in the beach house. I'm actually starting to show. I can't go to a doctor so Nana and Riley practically are my doctors. After all Nana is an angel and Riley helps out at a hospital and with a pediatrician. "The baby is healthy and I can tell you a gender..." Nana says. Aaron looks at me and I look at him. "I wanna know." We both say. Riley is so excited she is jumping up and down. "It's a... boy." Nana says. Aaron starts to cry a little and I do too. "I'm gonna have a son..." Aaron whispers. "Yes babe, you are gonna have a son who you can teach how to play football, play soccer and watch the games with.." I say and laugh a little. Ben finally speaks up. "Ima have a nephew..." he says and smiles actually. "I don't hate you even though you think I do Sia. I'm happy for you and also for myself, I can teach him how to get the ladies." Ben says and laughs. "If you turn my son into a fuck boy ima kill you." Aaron says and we all laugh. This is what happiness is, surrounded by your loved ones.

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