You like corona ?

18 10 1

Charlie is spending her nights at a hotel in town. Who would of thought a demon staying in a public hotel huh? She comes over frequently even when unannounced. This morning I found her in the liquor cabinet with a waffle in her right hand tryna find our beer. Whata mess this is. "So you gonna help me find a beer or?" She says. "I guess you could sense my presence huh." I say back. She chuckles. "Your bath and body works perfume you put on does not mask to a demon your blood. I can track you a mile down hunny." She says. And finds a beer bottle and takes it. It's legit only 11 am and this girl is drinking beer. I laugh and she stares at me. "Ay don't judge me it's happy hour somewhere on this world right? Lemme enjoy my waffle and Corona chicka." She says and I can't disagree I used to drink this early. Aaron took everyone out to the town today to go shopping for new clothes. Riley said she'd bring me back stuff. "Hmm sit. Pop open some fancy wine you got. Let's talk." Charlie says. For some reason I didn't argue. I grabbed a bottle of Vodka instead of wine. "Damnnn she being feisty ain't she?" Charlie says and laughs. "Oh shut it. We don't tell Aaron or Riley about this." I tell her. "My lips are sealed Madam."

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