Author note

15 3 0

Hey guys! It's Trin! This is the end of season one. I'm not quite sure how many seasons im going to have, but it's going to be at least be 2. I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I liked writing it. I've been getting some questions from some readers so I'll answer them.
Sia is based off of me yes, my personality at least. Sia and me connect in certain ways. How she portrays herself how she handles things and how she acts toward people.
I am 15 years old and I live in the States. I don't attend school right now I am out on medical leave. I do have mental health issues. Writing was always my escape. I can write about whatever I want and or my own experiences. In this story I combined my own fictional stuff with some stuff I've experienced.
In the real world I did have a best friend name Riley. We fell off however. But I'm not gonna kill her off because I know most of my viewers like her character.
I took a break due to Riley and me falling off. She was my rock and I lost that. But I had many of my 'fans' text me talking to me and try to help me out my mess and encouraged me to write more. So thank you to Sammy1307 Ralph_503 these two helped me out a lot.
The next season will begin very very soon. ❤️love you all

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