Welcome back ( not really )

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It's been two months. And no demons no angels. Life seems to be looking good. Until this happens.
I wake up with a nice jolt to my day. I go downstairs and make coffee for Aaron who is getting ready to head out to work. "Drive safe!" I say as I hand him his coffee mug. "Always am. Love you baby." He says and kisses my forehead. Riley is coming over and is gonna help me watch Damion. It's around 10 am now and Riley is here. "Thanks for coming over." I say to Riley. "Anytime! Now where is my little man?" She says. "He's in the room watching princess and the frog." He always points to it. "Can I go say hi?" She says. "Of course you can let's go!" I reply and we go into the babies room and see Damion watching the movie intensively. "Hi man!" Riley says and goes and gives Damion a hug. "He looks way to big two just be two months old." Riley says. "Ya I guess it's the angel blood. He's so big I know. He can walk too." I say. "You are joking!" Riley shouts. "I'm serious." I say back. She puts Damion down and sure enough he walks back over to me and gestures for me to pick him up. "What the shit." Riley says stunned. "I know!!!" Then all of a sudden a big knock comes from the door downstairs. "I'll get it." Riley says and goes and answers the door. "FUCKING LEAVE!" She shouts and slams the door. "It's Daunte! Run!" Riley says and she runs and guards me holding Damion.
I dial Aaron and he says he is on his way home but I tell him not to come near the house. "Open up!" Someone shouts. "Riley take the baby. Go in the attic." I say to her. I rush downstairs and open the door. "You aren't welcomed in. Leave." I say. "You have a child, I can smell the angel blood." Daunte says and his devilish grin is gone. "Guess Aaron won. But not for long." He says. Then I see Asher with Nana! "Nana!" I shout. "We found her walking over here. I guess she wanted to check in personally again. But well we got to her first." Asher says. "Let her go." I say calmly. "You come with us." Daunte says. "Sia don't do it!" Riley pleads. "Take care of my son..." I say to her. "Don't!" She shouts.

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