Chapter Three

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My hands were shaking, and I could feel a lump starting to form in my throat. The first day of school was always nerve wracking for me. Lance cleared his throat and wished me luck. He turned and went on his way. A few minutes later, the bell to get to class rang throughout the hallways. That meant I had six minutes to find room 7106.

I was asking people that I bumped into for directions. Some people just looked at me like I was stupid. Others just stared blankly at me, and pointed with their long, ET like fingers in the direction I should be headed. While pushing my way through the crowd of people gathering in the hall, I looked to my left and saw some guy pushing a girl against a locker.

The crowd was too loud for me to hear what he was saying to her. But I also didn't want to be the nosy new girl who started drama on the first day of school. Plus I had no idea who they were, and it was honestly none of my business. I just brushed it off, and continued on my way. People must have pointed me in the right direction, because seconds before the bell rang, I found my class.

The class was already full, so I took a seat in the back of the room. There were only two seats available, and I decided to sit next to the guy with scruffy brown hair made into a quiff. Plus he was kind of cute. No, okay. He was really cute. My other choice was to sit next to the chubby girl with blue hair, and her index finger two knuckles deep into her nostril.

"Good morning class," our teacher was old with little to no hair. His classroom was painted a very light gray with one accent wall. The accent wall was painted the same orange as the letters on the sign in the front of the school. His classroom smelled of feet, and peanut butter.

"This is psychology, and my name is Mr. Carlos." He glared around the room, making eye contact with every student. He sneered with his beady black eyes. Well I could already tell that this was going to be a long fifty minutes.

I sat quietly as I stared at the clock and listened to Mr. Carlos ramble on about school rules and the dress code. I did that for the rest of the class. Time was going by so slowly that it seemed as it were standing completely still. The clock kept ticking, and Mr. Carlos never shut up. Eventually the bell rang, and I was off to ask for directions to my next class.


I didn't talk to anybody for most of the day. I met up with Lance at lunch, and we both ranted about the "joys" of school. We met again after school ended. We both went straight to Lance's car. I didn't waste any time getting there, either.

Lance and I laughed the whole ride home. We complained about the people we saw, and the crazy difference between Washington and California. It was so crowded here. There were so many more kids at this school then there were at the school we went to in Seattle. We also laughed at some of the outfits we saw people wearing.

It was weird to think that in the middle of August here in Chino Hills, people were wearing booty shorts and crop tops. In Washington, by this time of year, everyone was already wearing their long pants and tight-knit sweaters. California sure would take some getting used to.

"Leah," Lance nudged my shoulder, awaking me from my daydream. I couldn't help but think back to how our lives were when we lived in Seattle. I liked Chino Hills, but I grew up in Washington. Seattle was my home for the past sixteen years of my life.

"Leah we're home. Get out of my car." Lance chuckled under his breath as I fumbled to reach my seat belt buckle. I quickly unbuckled myself, grabbed my backpack, and reached for the door. As soon as my fingertips touched the door handle...


I heard the door lock. I tried to unlock the car from the inside. Lance stood outside, doubled over in laughter. I finally pressed the unlock button, and to my luck... I had set off the car alarm.

Lance jumped, and dug through his pockets in search of his car keys. He had dropped them in the grass when he was laughing at my attempt of escape. He turned the alarm off as quickly as he could, and I jumped out of the car. He locked his car, and we both darted towards the door.


Author's Note:

I'm not really a great writer, so this is just an experiment for me to see if I enjoy having my works published.

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Thanks guys.

And if you guys want to follow me on any of my social media websites:

Instagram: @skyleeeeeee_

Twitter: @skyleemckay99

Well yeah that's about it..

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