Chapter Thirty

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Leah's POV:

Cameron and I had just gotten some Capri Suns out of the fridge, and we had gone out to cuddle on the hammock when Nash came back outside. Cameron was already changed because he had brought his clothes into the outdoor changing room when Nash took me to my house.

Nash's face was pale and flushed when he came over to us. He had his phone in his hand, and he looked like he wasn't feeling too good.

"Nash, are you okay?" Cameron asked, sitting up in the hammock.

Nash gripped onto his phone tighter, startled by Cameron's question.

"Yeah, I think I'm just heat sick or dehydrated or something? I threw up in the bathroom."

Cameron's eyes widened, and he let go of me to get up off of the hammock.

"Do you want to lay down or something?" Cameron rushed over to Nash.

It's cute to see him so eager to help his friend.

I like knowing that he isn't scared to get up and leave me to make sure that his friend is well and taken care of. I don't want to be the anchor in the relationship that makes it to where I am the only one who is happy and okay.

"No, I think that I'm just going to go home." Nash coughed. "Thank you for having me over, it was fun." He gave Cameron a one armed hug and looked over to me.

"It was nice meeting you, Leah." He waved to me, and went into the house to leave.

Is it bad that I like the way that he said my name?

Cameron came back over to me and sat down on the hammock.

"I hope he gets to feeling better," I said, rubbing the palm of my hand on his back.

"Me too," He said sincerely.

We sat quietly for a minute or two.

"Wanna take a nap on this hammock and then call your friend Harley to go bowling or whatever she wanted to do?" Cameron turned to me.

I nodded slightly, and we both crawled onto the hammock.


Nash's POV:

I went out through Cameron's front door. I walked over to my car and got inside. It hurt me to lie to him like that, but there is no way that I would be able to tell him that the reason I am leaving is because I sickened myself by jacking off to his girlfriend.

I put my car into reverse and backed out of Cameron's driveway. I headed down the road and turned up the radio to get my mind off of the whole situation.

As soon as I turned the volume, I heard a familiar beat.

♫ 'Cause you're too sexy, beautiful

And everybody wants a taste,

That's why...

I still get jealous ♫

I should have known that no matter what song came on the radio, it would just remind me of Leah.

The thing is, I like this song. I didn't even change the station. I just sang along and drove myself home.

♫ Turn my cheek, music up, and I'm puffin' my chest,

I'm turnin' ready to face you,

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