Chapter Twenty Four

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Leah's POV:

I woke up in the morning with a sleeping Cameron still draped around my body.

He looks so cute when he sleeps.

Our bodies lie together, sharing warmth. Our chests move in unison as we take in and let out air.

I looked down to see his eyelids flutter.

He's so cute, good lord.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and watched him sleep for a while more. His lips were barely parted, and small little huffs of air would escape them every other second or so.

I lied there silently, just watching him sleep. He seemed so peaceful.

I wonder if he ever dreams about me?

I suddenly got the urge to pee, so I very carefully unhooked myself from Cameron's grasp. I was trying so hard not to wake him, but I failed.

He squinted his eyes open and sat up in the bed. He stretched his arms out in front of him, arching his back at the same time. He yawned groggily, and looked over to me.

"Good morning, beautiful." He smiled at me. "Where you going?" He asked, yawning again.

"Oh, I just have to pee," I laughed, walking into his bathroom.

After I finished and washed my hands, I walked back into his room. He had lied back down, and was drifting back to sleep.

"Hey," I said in a hushed tone. "Wake up."

I crawled back into the bed and gently rested my head on his shirtless chest.


Cameron's POV:

I woke up to Leah unwrapping herself from my arms. I felt the warmth leave my body, and I quickly pulled the covers back up over me. I reached out in front of me to stretch my arms.

"Good morning, beautiful," I smiled a little. "Where you going?" I asked, yawning.

I layed back down and closed my eyes when she told me she was only going to the bathroom.

I was just starting to fall asleep again when I felt her warm, soft hair on my chest.

"Wake up." I heard her say, so I opened my eyes again.

"Good morning," She smiled, scooting herself up. Her head was now placed in the crook of my neck.

I felt the butterflies starting up in my stomach again. Even her presence made me tingle. She honestly makes me feel like no other girl ever has. I get all warm inside, and feel genuinely happy when she's around. Just looking into her eyes sends shivers running down my spine.

I've never really been in love before. I mean, I thought that I was.. but now I know that what I had felt was not love at all. I guess I've just had typical teenage romances. Little flings here and there.

But I was always the heart breaker, not the one left broken hearted.

With Leah, I don't feel like I'm only in it for the sex. I will admit with some of my girlfriends of the past, that is all I was after. And that's what I got.

But with her...

I feel like she stole my heart right out of my chest, and is keeping it on a short leash right beside her.

I don't mean that like she took my heart, and I'm sad or hurt...

I mean that like I never want to leave her side. I want her next to me, with me, in my arms twenty four hours a day.

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