Chapter Fifty Four

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Leah's POV:

I picked myself up off of my bed, and decided to face my problem.

I'm against abortion, so I better tell Cameron that I am carrying his unborn child in my belly.

I stopped crying and walked into my bathroom. I grabbed both tests from the counter top, and I stared at the two positives.

I felt like crying for the rest of my life, but I decided that crying wouldn't solve anything. I was scared to tell Cameron.

I was scared to tell anybody.

I was scared to even face Cameron after what I did to him. After what he saw, I was scared to ever see him again.

But I'm no coward, so I am going to own up to my mistake.

I'm going to go find Cameron, and I am going to own up to the biggest mistake that I have ever made in my entire life.

I still had no idea where Cameron was, but I was still pretty sure that he was at our spot.

I placed the tests into my purse and I left my room. Car keys in hand, I walked slowly back down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Lance looked up to me and then back at his game.

"I need to go talk to Cameron. I'll be back in a little while." I said as casually as possible, walking straight out the door before Lance had time to say anything else.

I shut the door and walked to my car again.

After getting in, I started it and turned the radio up. I let the music fuel my soul, and I contemplated what I was going to say to him.

I thought about what he might say, and I planned out the answers in my head.

I drove towards our spot, holding back the nervous tears.

I hope he is where I think he is.

I took deep breaths in through my nose, and I exhaled deeply through my mouth. I tried to soothe myself before admitting to cheating on my boyfriend with his best friend.

I was scared shit-less as I drove down the long road to where Cameron took us on our first date.

Our place.

I wanted to cry to relieve the fear and tension I had built up within me, but I couldn't. I had cried so much that I just could not produce any more tears.

My body began to shake, as if I were suffering from severe hypothermia.

Nervous shakes.

I blared my 5SOS CD, and I rolled all of my windows down. I sang at the top of my lungs, and I tried to control my shaking.

I drove along the winding road, and I pictured my life with a baby.

I'm pregnant at seventeen, and I am keeping this baby.

One single tear rolled to my chin.

I was terrified.

I sped up as the cars around me grew less and less. I was driving well over the speed limit, but I wasn't afraid of being pulled over.

My foot kept pressing harder and harder on the gas pedal, and my engine began to roar.

I was going 90 in a 60 zone, but I didn't care.

I was still shaking out of control, and I probably looked like I was intoxicated.

I slowed down just before turning into the small parking lot of the construction site that Cameron had pulled into the first time he brought me here.

I parked my car and jumped out. I didn't see his car in the lot, but I had this gut feeling that he was here.

I trembled in place as the fear took over my body. I felt as though I had just been possessed, but that the demon that took over my body was full of fear and sorrow.

But this sorrow was my own.

I took very short, shaky steps through the bushes. I walked left towards the beach, and I hoped that I would find Cameron here.

The feeling in my gut got stronger the closer that I got to where our first date was held.

I walked in the direction that Cameron led me, walking over to where the romantic picnic was held.

And not to my surprise, there he was. I saw his back leaned up against a palm tree, and I could tell that his knees were pulled up to his chest.

My heart dropped, and I stopped where I was standing.

I forced myself to go on.

"Ca-" I choked. "Cameron?"

His head turned quickly and his eyes were on me. His face was equally as red and puffy as mine was, so I knew that he too had been crying.

"What do you want?" He glared at me.

I slowly took a few more steps towards him, keeping a bit of distance.

"Cameron, I-I'm so sorry," I sounded so guilty, and that is 'cause I was.

He closed his eyes slowly, and his lips curled into the most saddening frown I had ever seen.

It completely broke my heart to see the pain I put him through.

"You can't just come here and apologize, expecting me to up and forgive you just like that." He said, eyes still closed.

Tears began to spill from his eyes, and it hurt me to watch them roll down his cheeks.

I wanted so badly to run up to him and wipe them away, but this was not the time.

"I know," I said, my voice shaking.

He opened his eyes slowly, looking straight into mine.

"How could you do that to me?"


Author's Note:


This book is ending very soon, my friends.

V E R Y.

S O O N.


But don't worry.

I know that this book doesn't have very many reads...

And I know that it's most likely very boring...


I will be writing a sequel.


I know that this book hasn't gone too far, but honestly it has gone so much farther than I would have thought.

3.7K reads isn't much compared to all of the authors that I read, but that's still three thousand people.

So to those of you who actually read this, thank you.


(Probably only going to be one more chapter)

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