Chapter Twenty Nine

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Cameron's POV:

We swam for an hour or two before deciding that we were all bored.

We all got out of the pool and dried ourselves off so we could put our clothes back on.

"You can change first," Nash told Leah, pointing to the stairs.

"Okay, thanks Nash!" Leah turned and went up the stairs.

"So what do you think of her?" I asked, walking over towards Nash.

He wrapped his towel around him, and sat down in one of the patio chairs.

"I like her," He said, scratching the back of his neck. "I like her personality. She's fun."

Why is he scratching the back of his neck?

Nash only does that when he's nervous. It's his worst nervous tick. There's that, and rocking on his heels.

Hmm. Weird. Why is he nervous?

"Oh thank god! I was scared you wouldn't like her!" I sighed in relief.

It was always really hard for me when Nash would tell me that he didn't like my girlfriend. I felt like I was happy, but never happy enough because in order for me to be fully happy, I wanted him to like the person I was with.

So thank god he likes Leah.

He looked away from me, and scratched the back of his neck again.

"Nash?" I asked, concern laced within my voice.

He snapped his head to look at me. "Yeah?" He scrunched his nose.

I looked back to the door as I heard it opening. The now open door revealed a stunning Leah, with her fingers running through her wet hair.

"I was just going to ask if you're nervous about something." I told him, sitting in one of the other chairs on the patio.

"No? Why would I be nervous?" He answered very shakily.

I can tell you're lying, dummy.

"Um, are you sure? You keep scratching the back of your neck. You and I both know that you only scratch the back of your neck when you're nervous or angry. And I'm pretty sure you aren't angry, so what's going on man?" I asked, hoping that he would realize that I'm right.

His eyes darted from left to right like he was watching something jumping across the yard.

"I'm just nervous about the ACT," I finally got him to admit what was wrong.

On Tuesday, the entire junior class of Chino Hills High has to take the ACT test. The test lasts four hours, and then we get an hour lunch afterwards. So it makes sense that Nash would be nervous.

"Oh, don't worry bro you'll do fine," I tried to reassure him. He just gave me a half smile, and stood up from his chair to go change back into his clothes.

Leah came over and took his place on the patio chair. She had to put a towel over the chair cushion because Nash was still damp when he sat down on it.


Nash's POV:

My heart sunk into my stomach when Cameron asked me about being nervous. There is no way in hell that I can tell him that Leah is the cause of my nervousness.

As I ran up the stairs and back into Cameron's bedroom, I got the bad feeling in my stomach again.

Except this times the bubbles were more of a rapid boil rather than a low simmer.

Meant to Be || Cameron DallasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang