Chapter Thirty Two

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Nash's POV:

As I walked in through the door, I thanked Leah and looked at the neon service hours sign. This place closes at 11:00 pm tonight.

This is the same bowling alley that all of the guys and I go to when we wanna bowl. I walked in last and followed everybody over to where you get rental shoes. I told them my size, 11. They handed me a very beaten up old pair of bowling shoes. They had green and brown stripes running up the side, and instead of laces there were Velcro straps.

I followed the rest of the group to where I'm guessing Leah's friend was waiting for us?

All six of us.

I straightened my posture and gave myself the flow of confidence before walking in front of Leah.

Even though I'm going to try to not think about how hopelessly in love with her I am, I'm going to try my hardest to make her want me.

That may sound crazy, and it probably is. But I'm still going to try.

I walked over to one of those spinny chairs, and took a seat. I started to unlace my gray Vans when I felt someone's eyes on me. I looked up in front of me, but I didn't see anyone.

I could feel their stare piercing through my back. I finished unlacing them and took them off before turning around to see who was staring.

When I set my shoes on the ground to turn around, I grabbed the ugly rental shoes and placed them on my lap. I turned my head almost all the way around to see a girl leaning up against a table, eyes nearly popping out of her head, staring straight at me. It was too dark in the alley to determine whether or not she was cute, but I could tell that she had long blonde hair with the tips dyed red. When I turned to look at her, she froze. She didn't even look away.

Her ocean blue eyes widened, and eyed me up and down. I think once she recollected herself, she turned away. I just chuckled a little and turned back around to put on the bowling shoes.

I bent down and slipped my feet into the shoes, tightening the Velcro straps and standing up. I turned around to see if that girl was still there, but she had gone.

I scanned the alley in search of my group, and was immediately attracted to the far corner where Matt's loud laugh could be detected. On my way over, I picked up a green 14 ball.

I finally reached the group, and found my way over to the little machine that spits your ball back at you after you've bowled your turn. I placed my ball on the belt and walked over to Carter and Taylor.

"Aye Nash!" Carter said, holding his knuckles out. I bumped them with mine, and stood next to him.

"Cameron's girlfriend is pretty hot huh?" He whispered into my ear, laughing afterward.

I instantly felt my face heat up, and I knew that I was blushing.

Thank god it's too dark in here to tell.

I brushed it off as if it were nothing, and I laughed back.

"Right!?" I whispered back, but maybe a little too loud.

"What?" Taylor asked, scrunching his nose in confusion.

Carter and I looked at each other, and laughed again.

"Oh, we were just talking about how hot Cameron's girlfriend is." Carter said, turning to face Taylor.

"Oh god I know! And the ass on her though!" Carter laughed so hard that no noise came out. Just muffled gasps for air.

It made me angry to hear them talk about Leah like that.

She's Cameron's girlfriend, not some hoe bag super model from the Victoria's Secret catalog.

I'm getting angry at them for talking about her like that because she's Cameron's girlfriend, but then there's me who masturbated to the image of her in her bathing suit in my head.

I'm no better than they are. If anything, the way I'm feeling makes me worse.

Carter and Taylor started talking, and I didn't want to interrupt their conversation, so I turned away to go find Cameron.

I started walking in the direction in which I came, scouring around for Cameron or even Leah. I finally gave up when neither of them were anywhere to be found. I walked back to where Carter and Taylor were and I sat down at one of the nearby tables.

I sat alone at the table. It was awkward and silent, so I pulled out my phone. Just as I unlocked it, I felt like someone was staring at me again. I looked from side to side, without lifting my head. I couldn't see anybody from out of the corners of my eyes, so I just went back to looking at my phone.

The longer I stared down at the screen, the worse the feeling got. It felt like someone's eyes were burning holes through my body. I kept brushing the feeling off, and just scrolled through my twitter time line.

Finally once the feeling proceeded, and I couldn't take it any longer, I stood up to see who was staring at me. My eyes darted across the room, and then I saw the same girl as before.

Who is that girl?

It was still too dark to decide whether or not she was attractive, but I knew it was the same girl because of her hair and her neon sweater.

I wanted to know who she was, and why she was staring at me. I turned my body in her direction and started walking over to her. I heard Cameron's voice over by where Carter and Taylor were earlier but I continued walking over to the girl.

When she noticed that I was heading near her, her eyes widened and I saw her swallow. She didn't try to turn and leave, she just stood there. Once I got closer to her, I could easily tell that she was nervous.

She's probably just a nervous fan.

I walked closer, and closer. With each step I took, her number on the attractive scale rose a little. She had really pretty blue eyes, and cute little rectangular framed glasses.

"Hey," I said, and I noticed her take a deep breath. "I saw you looking at me, and I just came over here to see if you needed anything?" I said very nicely, chuckling a little at how red this girl was turning.

Yeah, probably just another speechless fan.


Author's Note:

Yoohoo, surprise update!

This is for bae. She asked for another update tonight, and I figured that since I most likely won't get the chance to update tomorrow... I'd give it to her.

@lexceetueller - This chapter is for you bae.

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