Chapter Forty Two

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Harley's POV:

I swallowed hard as I watched all of the people in my room exit. I watched them all leave one by one. They walked through the door in a single file line.

One, two, three, four...

My mother nudged Hayden's shoulder, irking him to follow behind her.

"Can I have a minute or two alone with her?" Hayden's voice shook me to my core.

I had been trying my absolute hardest not to even acknowledge his presence in my room, but now it was only him left. My mother gave a small shrug of her shoulders, and flashed me a small smile before leaving my room to catch up with Kenneth.

Oh shit.

My heart dropped into my stomach, and I was at a loss of breath.

"Harley," His deep and raspy voice made me cringe. He spoke low and calm, slowly walking closer to the hospital bed after hearing the heavy wooden door close behind my mother.

I clenched my teeth and swallowed hard.

This is it, this is where I'm going to die. Here, now.

Hayden got closer and closer to me, his heavy footsteps sounding as he walked.

Thunk, thunk, thunk.

Before I knew it, Hayden was standing next to me. He hovered over my body, and drew his face closer to mine.

His face was now only inches away from mine, and he breathed heavily on my face. His breath was hot and humid. It smelled like coffee and weed.

I am going to die.

"So they found bruises lining your legs, did they?" His voice lowered to a harsh whisper as he spat in my face.

I closed my eyes tightly, avoiding wiping his spit from my eye. I sniffled, and grabbed a hold of the hospital bed sheets.

"So they've concluded rape?" Just then, his hand slapped the hand rail of the hospital bed, and his fingers wrapped around the bar.

His hot breath on my face sent horrifying shivers down my spine. I held my breath every few seconds to keep myself from trembling.

"Don't these stupid doctors know that it isn't rape if you're willing?" In a split second, Hayden released his hand from the hand rail and tightly placed it around my neck.

I'm going to die.

I coughed as Hayden tightened his grip around my throat. He pushed me into the bed with his one hand that was around my neck, and placed his knee on the side of my bed to better hold me down.

My airway restricted, my trachea in the hands of my step brother who has continuously raped and sexually abused me since the age of six, he held my life in his hands. Literally.

I choked until everything began to go blurry. I couldn't see, and I felt very light headed.

This is how I'm going to die. Hayden will strangle the life out of me, and he will leave my body here.

Just as everything started to fade to black, Hayden released his hold on my throat. I inhaled as much air as my lungs would let me, and began panting.

"Bruising just means that the sex was good," Hayden brought his index finger under my chin, and tilted my head up towards him. His knee resided on the hospital bed. With his free hand, he brushed the hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear.

His index finger on his left hand still sat under my chin, his right hand on the side of my face. He rubbed his thumb in circles over my cheekbone, and stared intently into my eyes. I was still panting, and hoping not to receive another dose of choking.

He brought his left hand back to my throat, and tightened his grip slightly. I could still breathe, he was just doing it to scare me. Just then, he leaned in and kissed me. I didn't want to kiss him back, so I didn't. Hayden didn't like this, so he tightened his grip on my throat once again.

I kissed him back now, and he lessened his grip on my neck. We kissed for a minute at least before he finally pulled away. He let go of my throat and removed his hand from my hair. He placed his foot back on the ground, and started to walk away.

"Who would have thought me to be such a cliche?" He turned backwards to look at me as he left my room. "Falling for my step sister and all," He laughed.

"Don't tell on me, Harley." He whispered, turning forward again and opening the door to leave.

I swallowed hard, and sat up in the bed. I rubbed my neck, and took in a deep breath.

I could have died just now.

I closed my eyes, trying my best to avoid the waterworks that were about to start pouring from my face.

I let go of the sheet that I had been clenching on to this whole time and popped my knuckles.

I let out the breath I was holding and I lied back against the pillow.

I'm going in for a rape kit at 5:00...

What if they find out?


Author's Note:

Hi guys. I know this chapter is a little short.

Sorry for not updating in two weeks! I've been pretty busy lately!

I've had so much homework, and I've been trying to get my grades up before the end of the semester.

I hope everyone had amazing Thanksgivings, and that everyone ate until they puked.

I promise I will try to update more often!



My friend @ChansBlanchard is writing a book on Wattpad, and I'd absolutely love it if you would go read it. It's only got two chapters so far, but it's better to start reading when the book is new!

If you would, go search:

Simple Life Of A Stoner

Add it to your library, read it, vote.

Thank you.


Aka my beautiful friend lexceetueller

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