Chapter Seven

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We walked up to the front door of our house, and Lance unlocked the front door. We walked inside, and I ran up to my bedroom. I set my backpack on top of my bed, and let myself fall backwards onto the mattress. Today went a lot better than I'd imagined it would. I actually made a few friends, too.

And Cameron. You can't forget about Cameron.

I mean, I know I can't. He was all that I thought about all day long. I just met him once, and I am already obsessing over his godly looks. Plus, I still can't believe that he asked me for my number! It's crazy.

I am still confused as to why a guy as perfect as him would ask a regular, boring girl from Washington like me for her number. Or why he even talked to me, to be completely honest.

I could feel the heat radiating from my cheeks. Was I really blushing by the thought of him? Jeez. Maybe I am desperate...

I unzipped my backpack and pulled out all of the class disclosures that I had to make Mom read and sign. Basically they're just papers that state all of the school and class rules. It's pretty much a contract that both me and my guardian have to sign saying that we agree to the rules, and accept my punishment and consequences if said rules get broken.

I plugged my phone into the charger, seeing that it only had 18% battery left. I had a huge pit in my stomach, and I knew exactly why. At the end of first period, Cameron said that he would text me. Well now school was over, and I was lying on my bed scrolling through my phone. I was so anxious. I mean, is it even reasonable to lay here awaiting a text from a guy I've talked to once?

Probably not.

I opened my twitter app, and began scrolling through my news feed. I saw a little (+1) appear above the 'notification' button. A notification? Okay. I wonder what it is.

I clicked on the notifications tab and saw a mention from my best friend back in Washington. I pressed on the tweet, and read it.

@Kaylee_Brice: The first day of school was awful today without my BFF here! Gahh, I miss you! @LeahhhBailey

Awe. I miss her. I favorited it, and retweeted it. Now I have to text her.

To Kaylee: Oh my god. I miss you. D:

I pressed send, and stripped myself nude so I could go hop into the shower. Just as I was about to walk into my bathroom, my door creaked open. It had to be Lance, because Mom isn't home yet.

"OH MY GOD LEAH, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT YOU WERE GOING TO BE NAKED!" Lance shouted to me from the hall. I hurried and covered myself with a towel.

My older brother just walked in on me, naked.

Oh. My. God.

I walked outside my bedroom into the hall where a very red, and embarrassed Lance sit crouched on the floor.

"Sorry, I was going to shower. What did you need?" I asked him, avoiding any form of eye contact. I made sure that my towel was wrapped very tightly around myself.

Lance looked to the end of the hall, away from me. "Oh, I was just going to ask you when Mom is getting off work..." His entire face was bright red. He continued to stare in the complete opposite direction that I was standing in.

"Uh, Lance... I'm the one who should be embarrassed... You saw me naked. Not the other way around." He coughed, and still did not look anywhere near me.

"I know.. sorry about that.." He choked out after a moment in awkward silence. His face was still red.

"Lance, it's fine. I walked in on you this morning. We're even now. Even though this isn't necessarily something that I'd want to be even with, just think of it that way...." I said, my face starting to turn red as well.

Meant to Be || Cameron DallasHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin