Chapter Fifty Two

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Leah's POV:

I sat up on my bed, thinking of places that Cameron might be. After running out of Nash's house the way he did, I doubt that he would go home.

Home is the last place that I think he would go.

My mind stuttered as I forced myself to think back on conversations that he and I had. 

Where would he go?

I wiped away the few tears that brimmed in my eyes. I couldn't cry anymore. I had already cried myself into a migraine, and vomited up my entire soul. I needed to remain calm, and I needed to find Cameron.

Our spot.

After pondering for nearly half an hour, I figured out where Cameron might be. Or at least where I thought he could have gone. Even if he wasn't there, it was worth a shot to try.

I stood up a little too quickly, causing myself to get light headed. I waited a moment before walking over to my dresser and taking my car keys. I walked out of my room, not bothering to even check if Lance or my mom were home. I stampeded down the stairs, each loud footstep echoing throughout the house.

I locked the front door behind me as I ran to my car. My phone was tucked safely in the pocket of my jeans, and I nearly fumbled on my way to my car. 

Nash parked on the curbside instead of the driveway where I generally park. I didn't mind, it just meant that I had a further distance to run.

I didn't know why it was so urgent for me to find Cameron, but there was just this gut feeling inside of me telling me that I had to.

I unlocked the doors to my car and quickly got inside. After shutting the door behind me, I fastened my seat belt and I was off. I nearly sped out of my neighborhood, very determined to find my boyfriend.

I didn't bother turning on the radio, I just sat there in the silence to smother myself in my own thoughts. 

My mind began whirling with all of the thoughts that I had previously tried to suppress. 

Leah, you're no better than your father. 

I headed in the direction of the spot in which Cameron and I called ours.

How could I have sex with Nash when I'm obviously head over heels for Cameron?

All of the cluttered thoughts bounced off of the inside of my skull, causing my head to throb. I drove as fast as I could without diverting traffic or speeding. 

Suddenly I was in the eye of the hurricane. All of the things that were spinning out of control in my head became clear.

All of the trips to the toilet with my head in the bowl, all of the tears.

I could be pregnant.

Tears suddenly brimmed my eyes, and there was no use in trying to wipe them away this time. Waterfalls of tears began to pour from my eyes, and I made a U-turn in an illegal U-turn zone to switch the direction I was driving. 

I now needed to go to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test.

Oh my god.

I was scared that what I thought might be true. My vision was blurred from all of the tears, and my foot seemed to press harder and harder on the gas pedal.

I pulled into the lot of the nearest store I could find.


I parked my car and locked it as I got out. I stumbled into the store, tears still flowing like rivers from my eyes. 

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