Chapter Twelve

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Leah's POV:

I woke up the next morning with puffy eyes, and a red face. My headache isn't nearly as bad as it was last night, but it hasn't disappeared. I guess the price of crying my eyes out will be to look ugly today.

I got out of bed, and threw together an outfit. Light wash denim jeans, and a cropped white lace sweater. I threw my hair into a high ponytail, and grabbed my red pair of converse. I applied a little mascara, nothing more. I didn't even bother with concealer.

I grabbed my backpack, and looked at the time before leaving my room.

7:26 AM

Okay, I guess I'll wake Lance up before breakfast today.

I shut my door behind me, and walked down the hall to Lance's room. I opened the door, and turned on his light. His head shot up from his pillows, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Get up Lance," I said softly, turning my back to him and leaving his room.

I walked out of his room, and back into the hall. Fumbling down the stairs, I took a seat on the couch. The lights were all off, so Mom either didn't have work today and was still asleep, or already at work. I walked into the kitchen, and snatched a granola bar from the pantry. I went to sleep without eating dinner last night, and I was starving. The granola bar is just my last resort because I am just not in the mood to cook anything right now.

Lance trudged down the stairs and to the kitchen. His gray vans clunked on the tile floor as he walked. He sat down at the counter, and asked me to pour him a glass of milk. He looked even worse than I did, so I decided to be nice and get him some. I pulled a small glass from the cupboard, and opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. I poured it almost all the way full, and slid it across the counter in his direction.

"What happened to you?" I asked, plopping myself beside him. He turned himself to face me, and a small groan escaped his lips.

"I seriously got maybe an hour of sleep last night," he talked slowly, and kept his lips parted. "All that I thought about was how Dad fucking betrayed us." He licked his lips, and took a drink of his milk.

He was still mad about it too.

He finished his cup of milk with one chug, and we headed out to his car.


Once at school, we stood around and talked until the bell rang to get to class. I walked to the 8000 Hall, and straight down to my class. I sat in the same place that I did yesterday. I was here pretty early today, only a few other kids were here before me.

Soon the class began to fill up, and the bell rang indicating that there was only one minute to get to class. I sighed to myself as Cameron hadn't come in yet.

Just then, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Why do you look so sad, pretty lady?" Cameron smiled, and took his seat right as the bell rang.

I started to blush, and looked down to my feet.

"I'm not sad now that you're here," I said shyly, still blushing.


Cameron's POV:

I was running a bit late to school, so I  barely made it to first period on time. I walked into the class, and started walking over to my chair. I stopped and rested my hand on Leah's back. She was slumped down, and looked sad.

"Why do you look so sad, pretty lady?" I asked her, maneuvering myself into my seat. I saw her face light up, and her pale white cheeks turn to a soft rosy pink. She smiled, and huffed a small breath of air out.

God she's cute.

"I'm not sad now that you're here," She sat up a little straighter in her chair, and my heart sank into my stomach.

Not even five minutes into class, and she's already made my day.

"So I was thinking," Butterflies started hatching from their cocoons built in my stomach, and they started to fly around. Leah's head cocked to the left a little as she waited for me to continue my sentence. "I was thinking that maybe you and I could go out this Friday?"

Did I really just ask that?

The butterflies were unstoppable, and they just kept getting worse and worse.

"Oh my god! Yes!" She nearly shouted, causing me to laugh.

I could feel the corners of my mouth forming into one of those everlasting smiles.

"Really?" I asked. I must've sounded pretty surprised, 'cause she shook her head rapidly and started blushing.

"Okay, it's going to be a surprise where we are going, so I'll just pick you up from your house on Friday."

She nodded her head in agreement, and we continued on with class.


Leah's POV:

I started packing up my things to head to second period, still smiling like an idiot about my date this Friday with Cameron.

I can't believe he asked me on a date.

Just as the bell rang, I tapped Cameron on the shoulder before he walked out the door.

That took a lot of courage.

He turned his head to me, and smiled.

"Oh, hey Leah," He said, walking closer to me.

I gulped, and took a deep breath.

"Hey Cameron. I was, I was just.. uh.. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out after school today?"

What if he says no?

"I'd love to!" He smiled, and rocked on his heels.

"Okay, cool." I didn't want to sound too excited after how I accepted him asking me out this Friday.

"Do you want to come to my house? I can just drive us there after school," He asked, looking up to the ceiling.

"That'd be great. I'll meet you out front right after school." I couldn't help but smile. He nodded his head, and walked out of the class.


Author's Note:

I hope you guys like this chapter! It took a while to type. Even though this was a pretty short chapter.

Anyway, I want to thank all of you guys for actually reading this! This is the seventh day I've had this book up, and the last time I checked I had 190 reads!

190 isn't really even that many, but for only having this book up for a week... I'm so surprised!

I didn't even think that this book was going to go anywhere, and I certainly never thought that it'd get 60 reads let alone 190! I mean, just thank you so much!

It honestly makes my day to know that you guys are liking the work I'm putting out! Thank you so much! Gah it just makes me happy! (:


Please vote if you liked it. I want to know what you guys think!

Thank you again. Have a wonderful day. (:


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