Chapter Thirty Five

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Leah's POV:

Nobody bowled last night. After Harley passed out, we all just stood around in the bowling alley for a while. The paramedic told us that we were not allowed to visit her in the ER until noon today when visiting hours started.

After leaving the bowling alley, Cam just dropped me off at my house. It was really hard to sleep because a million different thoughts were running through my head.

Harley is my best friend, and I am really worried about her. It's unusual for someone to stay unconscious after fainting, so I tossed and turned all night. I was probably just over thinking the situation. The circumstances also put my mind on replay.

I never even knew that Harley liked any of the guys?

I generally forget that I'm dating an international internet star. Cameron is just so down to earth that I would never have even guessed that he has millions of girls that are totally obsessed with him.

He hasn't let the fame get to him. All of the tweets he posts about his fans are so heart warming. He doesn't act famous.

But in all honesty, none of the guys do. They're all just as down to earth as Cameron is.

I like that.

I sat up in my bed after my restless night of worry. I rubbed the back of my neck and stretched my back.

I wonder if Harley is awake yet?

This whole situation is all that has been running through my head ever since the ambulance drove off. I felt almost guilty because none of us had contacted any of her family members. I really hope that the hospital staff did.

I turned my head to see my alarm clock.


Ugh. Last time I checked it was 6:30.

Time always seems to pass by so much more slowly when you're waiting on something.

Since I obviously wasn't going to get any sleep, I decided to get up. I had five hours until visiting hours started at the ER, so I started to get ready.

I have nothing better to do.

From Nash: Hey it's Nash. Are you going to see Harley today?

I heard my phone go off just as I turned on my shower. I walked over to my night stand where my phone was sitting, and picked it up.

Expecting the text to be from my mom or Cameron, I was surprised to see it was from Nash.

To Nash: Yeah, I'm going at noon when visitation hours start. How'd you get my number?

I saved his number into my phone and carried it with me to the bathroom. It was only 7:30 on a Sunday, so I didn't bother locking the door. Lance is still asleep, and Mom is too.

I shut the bathroom door behind me, and immediately the mirror began to fog up. I opened the lid to the toilet and sat down to pee. I set my phone down on the counter.

From Nash: Cameron gave it to me last night after we dropped you off. And okay, mind if I tag along with you?

I washed my hands and closed the lid of the toilet. I checked my phone to reply before stepping into the shower.

To Nash: Yeah, that'd be okay. (:

I pressed send and locked my phone. I set it down on the counter and hopped into the shower.


Nash's POV:

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