Chapter Thirty Four

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Leah's POV:

Everyone in our group was just sitting down at the tables, all four of the guys had their heads down staring at their phones. I had locked my phone and looked around the alley for Harley and Nash. I haven't seen Harley the entire half an hour that I've been here, and that's partially because Cameron and I snuck away to make out in the locker room.

Carter, Taylor, Cameron, and Matthew all sat in a row. Every single one of their heads turned down to face their crotches. The only way to tell which boy was which was by their hair color, and the subtle blue glow on their faces from their twitters.

I turned back around in my seat to sit correctly when I was bombarded by a panting Harley. She looked as if she had just been struck by lightning.

I went to say something about her jumping on top of me, but I was cut off.

"You didn't tell me that you knew THEE Nash Grier!!!" She coughed out in between her pants.

Well I found Harley.

With Harley's sudden and abrupt arrival, all of the guys had looked up from their phones to see what was going on. They all had really confused looks on their faces. They looked a little scared.

Harley turned her attention over to the four guys that were now staring blankly at her. She was sitting on my lap, curled up like a potato bug. She was panting so hard I thought she might hyperventilate.

She made short eye contact with each guy before turning back to me. She studied their faces briefly as if determining whether or not they were real.

"Leah," She could barely speak between her breaths. She was breathing so hard. "Why didn't you tell me that you know THE BOYS FROM MAGCON?!" She basically spat in my face.

What the hell?

I knew that Cameron and all of his friends were in "MAGCON" but I had no idea that Harley knew about them.

"Um," I looked around to all of the guys. "Well, now you know?" I said very confused.

I gestured to her to get off of me, and she did.

"Harley, calm down." Matt said to her, setting his phone down on the table.

Right after Matt set his phone down, Nash appeared and sat down in the chair beside me.

"Harley," I placed one hand on her back. "Meet Carter, Taylor, Cameron, and Matthew. But I guess you already met Nash." I said jokingly, trying to calm her down.

She gave me a look like she might die.

"Oh my god," She said very quietly.

"OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!" Everyone including myself covered their ears with her high pitched scream.

All of the guys looked at each other and back at Harley.

"We love you too," They all said in unison, laughing afterward.

She looked at me, tears pouring from her eyes as if they were faucets.

"Wait, you brought your boyfriend and his friends?" She asked me, giving me a very strange look.

"Um..yes?" I nodded slowly and looked to Cameron. He simply shrugged his shoulders and looked to the rest of the guys.

"Your boyfriend's name is Cameron..." Her tone was no longer loud and scary. It was now quiet, almost creepy.

Cameron raised his hand, drawing Harley's attention to him.

"Yes, I am honored to claim the beautiful Leah Bailey as my girlfriend." Cameron stated calmly, lowering his hand and placing it on the table.

Harley just looked at him in shock, maybe even a little enviously.

"The Cameron that you're dating is Cameron Dallas." She said rather calmly.

She spoke softly now, barely louder than a whisper. Her breathing had slowed, but she had started sweating uncontrollably. Her hairline was starting to curl as her sweat dampened it.

Before anyone had time to say anything more, THUD.

We all turned our necks and saw Harley on the floor, unconscious.

Well this isn't how I imagined bowling would go.

Cameron had practically jumped from his seat to see if she was hurt. Surprisingly, Nash pushed him out of the way and rushed to her aid.

He knelt down beside her, and then turned to give me a devilish smirk that made me feel uneasy. He had never looked at me like that, and frankly, it made me feel uncomfortable.

All of the guys had swarmed around her unconscious body, and were staring down at her like she was their prey.

"She's breathing, but she's not waking up..." Nash said, placing his fingers to her neck to check her pulse.

He pulled her up a little and rested her head on his knee. He had sat down, and was clutching onto her hand.

If only she could see this, she'd faint all over again.

"I'll call the ambulance," Taylor said, pulling out his phone and walking away from the group.

The loud thud that we all heard was from Harley's head hitting the linoleum alley floor. Her head wasn't spit open or anything, there was no sign of blood.

Just moments after Taylor hung up his phone and walked back over to us, sirens could be heard from outside the building.

The sirens blared as the paramedics stampeded through the doors. They ran over to Harley, and asked us all a few questions. We told them what happened, and he reached down to check her pulse.

"Her heartbeat seems fine, but we'll take her to the ER just to be sure." He said, motioning four other paramedics to rush in with a stretcher.

They picked her up and lied her on the stretcher. She was still unconscious.

"Are any of you family?" One of the taller paramedic men asked us. We all shook our heads no, and he walked away.

They wheeled the stretcher out of the building and into the ambulance vehicle. The sirens blared as the men hopped back into the truck.

They drove off, lights flashing, sirens blaring.

Off to the ER.


Author's Note:

Kinda short.

Kinda awkward.

Kinda whatever.


Hope you all had a good Halloween, and that you all got enough candy to rot all of your teeth.



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