Chapter Five

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I woke up to my alarm. I peered around my room, and quickly pounded on the snooze button.

Confused, I stared at the ceiling.


Now fully awake, I turned off my alarm. God I hate mornings. I got out of bed and walked over to my light switch. I turned on the light, and squinted my eyes as they adjusted to the brightness. The first day of school is today. That means that I was dreaming. That was all just a dream. Huh.

I am so not excited for school. I just want to crawl back into bed, and sleep. School is so not my thing. I hate waking up so early and having to get ready. I mean, I'm the new girl. Who do I have to impress?


I plugged in my straightener, and put on my new school clothes. You could feel the enthusiasm in the air...not. I did my makeup and put on my shoes. I straightened my hair, and left my room. I walked downstairs and went to the kitchen to find something to eat. I opened the pantry, and scanned my eyes over all of the food. All that I could see that even looked edible was some strawberry poptarts.

Poptarts? I guess that'll do. I popped them into the toaster, and walked over to the counter. There I found a handwritten note.

Leah, I know today is your first day of school. I'm sorry I couldn't be here this morining, my boss called me in at 5:00. Just find something for breakfast, there is orange juice in the fridge. And please wake up Lance. We both know that he won't get up if you don't! Love you, Mom.

Orange juice? That doesn't sound half bad.

I took my poptarts out of the toaster and set them on the counter. I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to Lance's bedroom. I opened his door, and turned his light on.

Ew. His room smells so gross.

"Lance, get up!" I shouted to him, walking over to the side of his bed. I pulled the covers away from his face and poked his shoulder. He opened one eye, and narrowed it at me.

"C'mon, get up. I didn't want to either." I coughed, and left his bedroom. I walked back down the stairs, and went back into the kitchen. I got myself a glass out of the cabinet, and proceeded to pour myself some orange juice. I took my cup, and sat down on the barstool I had set my poptarts in front of.

I sipped my orange juice, and ate both of my semi-warm poptarts. Once I had finished, I walked back upstairs to make sure that Lance had woken up, and started getting ready. I walked into his room, and he turned around quickly. I turned and walked out of the room. From the hall, Lance shouted, "Ever heard of knocking!?"

Oh, gross! I just walked in on my naked brother, changing into his boxers.

Why me?

"Sorry! Hurry up!" I looked at the floor, and made a disgusted face. I heard Lance grunt, and I walked a little further down the hall to my bedroom. I went inside and grabbed my backpack, and pulled my phone from the charger. I exited, and shut the door lightly behind me.

While waiting downstairs for Lance, I scrolled through my twitter news feed. Nothing interesting.

Lance better hurry, or we are going to be late.

Just then, I heard footsteps at the top of the stairs. Good. Lance was coming. I heard his footsteps travel from the hall, to the bottom of the stairs. He looked at me sitting on the couch, and asked if I was ready to go.

"Yeah, let's go." We walked out the door and to his car. I hopped into the passenger seat, and we took off down the street. "I don't want to go to school," I grumbled, my eyes locked on my phone screen. It was still a little bit dark out.

"Well you better get ready, because school starts in twenty minutes." Lance scoffed. He's right though. It was 8:05, and school starts at 8:25.

This summer went by way too fast. This year has just gone by way too fast.. Jeez.

I looked up from my phone, and we were there. Whoa. That car ride was a lot faster than I'd imagined. Lance circled the lot, and parked. We got out of the car and walked to the front doors of the school.

Chino Hills High School, get ready for Leah Bailey.

Now to find my class before the bell rings... Hmm. Well I have to find classroom number 8314, and I'm in the 1000 Hall. Okay, better go straight for eight halls. I walked through the hall, avoiding making eye contact with anybody. Focused on where I thought I was supposed to go, I went there. Just as I thought, the school's floor plan was on a grid system. Well this makes life a hell of a lot easier.

Now in the 8000 Hall, I looked to the wall. A sign was bolted into the brick.

8000-8599 LEFT

8600-8999 RIGHT

So I guess I go left?

I turned to the left, and walked straight down the hall. Looking from side to side, I saw the numbers gradually getting smaller. The hall that I started on must be like, the middle ground. I saw the numbers decreasing as I continued down the hall.

8562, 8489, 8437...

Six more classes, and I should find my class. I continued walking, and walked right up to the door of classroom number 8314. Well I'm glad that I won't be getting lost. I looked at my schedule, and found my locker number. I walked around, and found where it was. I used the combination printed on my schedule, and I tried to open it.

Three twists to the right, I landed on 7. Once around to the left, 26. Back to the right, 4.

Got it. This school seemed better than I thought it did the whole time I thought about it during the summer. Well that's good I guess.


The bell to get to class. I walked back to the 8000 Hall, and found my way to my class. It was full by the time I got there. I sat in the back of the class, in one of the few available seats that were left. The next thing I know, the kid in front of me turns around.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around before. You new here?" He asked me, a smile starting to form on his face.

"Yeah, I just moved to Chino Hills this summer from Seattle." I smiled back, and examined his face.

This boy was quite cute, actually. He had light brown hair that was swept up on one side into a nice little quiff. His golden eyes gleamed as he looked back at me. He was hot. Like, really hot!

And then I realized...

This was the boy from my dream last night! Whoa.

"Oh, that's awesome! What's your name?" I wondered why this incredibly gorgeous boy would be talking to me. I stared at him for a moment more before answering, "Leah. Yours?"

He smiled again and looked into my eyes.

"Leah? That is a really pretty name. My name is Cameron." I laughed nervously, and the bell indicating that class had started rang.

Cameron turned back around to the front of the class, and the teacher began talking.

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