Chapter Thirty Six

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Nash's POV:

"Hey," I said, looking up from my phone as Leah got into the car. She looked really worried. She had dark circles under her eyes.

I'm guessing that she didn't sleep much last night either.

I locked my phone and stowed it away in my pocket. I put the car into reverse as Leah was buckling her seat belt. I turned the volume on the stereo down a little so that it would be easier to hear her if she wanted to talk.

"Thanks for coming to get me," Leah said, barely above a whisper. She even sounded worried.

"Yeah, no problem." I replied, backing out of her driveway. I put the car into drive and started driving out of her neighborhood.

Leah turned to me and gave me a small, sheepish smile. Her phone was tucked away into her purse, and her eyes were focused on the road before us.

"Where are we going?" I decided to break the silence. The radio was turned almost all the way down. The only distinct sound in the car was the soft blow of the air conditioning system, and little gurgles coming from Leah's stomach.

"What?" She snapped her head towards me. My question seemed to have startled her.

"For breakfast? Where are we going?" I asked, rather confused.

She kept her head in my direction, and she inhaled deeply. I kept my head facing forward as she was staring at me. I could see her glare locked on me from the corner of my eye.

"Oh," She exhaled. "I don't really care. Surprise me." She broke her stare and looked out of the passenger window.

Why was she staring at me?

I was glad that she felt comfortable enough with me already to go out to breakfast with me.

Her head was facing the opposite direction of me now, so I stole a glance at the back of her head. Even seeing just the back of her head, you could tell that she was a very pretty girl.

Her blonde hair shined with the early morning sun streaking in through the dashboard window. Her hair glistened like there were little strands of gold laced in with her hair.

Leah is very pretty.

"Okay, I'll surprise you." I chuckled softly, and got into the left turn lane. I decided to take her to a little restaurant called Bruxie. They have really good Belgium Waffle sandwiches that are stuffed with things like fried chicken or cheese.

I decided to take the long way to get there because the restaurant opens at 9:00 am, and it's barely 8:30. Plus, taking the long way will give me a little extra time to get to know Leah.

I'm trying really hard to get over her, but as I'm sitting in my car alone with her...

She just looks so beautiful. This isn't considered a date, nothing close to a date.

Just two friends going out to breakfast.

"So, how are you?" I asked, referring to how she was feeling about Harley being in the hospital.

I still feel really guilty about what happened. I know that it isn't technically my fault, but it still feels like I caused all of this.

"I'm doing okay. It's Harley that I'm worried about. I mean, yeah.. I'm sure she's fine. But going to the ER and having to stay over night is pretty nerve wracking." She spat her words out in one breath.

The radio was playing very faintly in the background.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." I spoke softly, and very kindly.

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