Chapter Fifteen

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Leah's POV:

Cameron yanked me up off of the couch, and hurried to the counter in his kitchen to grab his keys. I noticed that it was 7:08 now, and there was no sign of any other people in his house.

"Hey, where is your family?" I asked him, grabbing his hand as we walked out the door.

He let out an adorable little breath of air that came along with his smirk when I reached down for his hand. He quickly took mine into his, and began rubbing his thumb over my knuckle.

I love it when he does this.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! My mom is on a business trip in Colorado, and my sister Sierra doesn't live here anymore." He giggled, looking down to our hands.

"Oh, that makes a lot more sense!" I said, closing his front door behind us.

Before I could step off of the porch, Cameron flipped me around quickly and pinned me up against the door.

"Woah, what are you doing?" I giggled.

He laughed, and moved closer to me.

"There is just one thing I needed to do before we leave," He whispered into my ear. His warm breath on my neck sent shivers running down my spine.

He's so sexy, holy hell.

"And what might that be?" I furrowed my eyebrows, and cocked my head a little to the right.

Without words, Cameron leaned in again and planted his lips on mine. I leaned into the kiss, and grabbed a handful of his hair. I pulled him closer to me, my back still pinned up against the door. Our lips moved in perfect harmony together, and then he pulled away.

Okay, light 3,000 fireworks on my tongue why dontcha?

"That," He smirked, releasing me from the door. He took my hand again, and led me to his Camaro. He opened the door for me, and shut it behind me after I got in.

The sparks that I feel every time his lips collide with mine send my mind into a whirling tornado of lust.

When he walked around to the driver's side of the car, I leaned back in my seat thinking about how much I liked him.

Yep, I am definitely falling for him...

He entered the vehicle, and started up the engine. He set his arm on the center console with his palm facing up, indicating that he wanted me to hold his hand. I happily grabbed it, and smiled at how perfect they looked together.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked, turning his head to me.

"Sushi!" I didn't even have to think about it. The word fell from my mouth before I could even finish comprehending his question.

"Oh yes, I love sushi," He said, smiling. "Sushi it is!"

We pulled out of his driveway, my hand still in his. The rest of the car ride consisted of me laughing at the songs that came on the radio. He would turn and smile at me at every stop sign, or red light.

He is honestly just perfection personified.

We pulled into a parking lot after about ten minutes. I looked out my window, and saw that the name of the sushi restaurant was called 'Ojiya' and underneath the billboard and neon sign, there was a phone number. (909)-606-8638.

He whispered for me to wait as he parked in the empty space that we found in the parking lot. I unbuckled myself, and waited as he walked around to my side of the car to open the door for me again.

Too cute.

He opened my door, and grabbed my hand to help me out of the car. Once I had gotten out, he linked our fingers together. He pulled me closer to him, and put his arm around my shoulder. He opened the door to the restaurant for me, and we walked inside.

The inside of the restaurant was really pretty. It was set up in kind of a boat presentation. It smelled like fresh sushi, and soy sauce. A waiter took us to a booth, and we sat across from one another. The waiter handed us both a menu, and we sat quietly as he told us the specials.

"Whatcha gonna get?" He asked me, tapping on my foot with his.

"The black dragon roll, and the Chicago sorbet roll!" I said, a little too excitedly.

He chuckled a little, and said, "I'm gonna get the Vegas roll, and a Miami sunset roll."

Sushi was my favorite food, and I like Cameron only like 100 times more than I like sushi.

The waiter came back with two glasses of water, and he jotted down our orders. As he walked away, he mumbled something in Japanese to the two men making sushi behind the counter.

After the waiter left, Cameron leaned closer into the table.

"C'mere," he said, signaling me with his finger.

I leaned in, and furrowed my eyebrows. "What?" I said blushing.

Cameron paused for a moment, and a serious look spread over his face.

"Well, I was going to wait to do this until Friday... But after today, I feel like now is a better time," He took in a big breath of air, and held it in for a moment. "I really like you Leah, and I know we've only known each other since yesterday... But I don't feel like this is going too fast because it feels as though I've known you my entire life."

I sat there in anticipation of what he was going to say next.

"Leah, I was wondering if you would do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He pulled his bottom lip through his teeth, and his cheeks started turning red.


The butterflies in my stomach were crashing into one another, and I sat there speechless for a moment or two.

I gasped.

"YES!" I shouted, standing in my seat to lean over the edge of the table to hug him.

The moment that I accepted, his face went from tense and anxious to totally relaxed and happy-go-lucky. The smile on his face was wider than I'd ever seen it. The smile on my face was also growing by the second.

I am dating the hottest boy in school.

My heart was racing a mile a minute as the waiter came back with our order. He placed the rolls on the table, and handed us both a pair of chopsticks.


Author's Note:

Yay for double updates!

Sorry if I'm annoying, I was just getting anxious with the anticipation of what I was gonna write next...


So please enjoy this second update, and vote if you liked it!


Also my social media again:

Twitter: skyleemckay99

Instagram: skyleeeeeee_

Yuppppppppppppp (:

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