The Hardhome Massacre

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The Blue Fang prepares the Airships rain falls on Fort Petra. Mercury is lead to Jaune. Jaune looks at him, nods, and a soldier removes Mercury chains. Mercury raises his free hands to Fennec in the distance and is carried away. Jaune walks over to Blake.

"Blake, you have command until I come back," Jaune told her

"Jaune, it is my duty to tell you I believe this mission is reckless," she told Jaune with a bit of an angry look

Jaune sighed, "I know how you feel, but we need them" Jaune told her and walked away and onto and Airship.

The Airships full of Blue Fang soldiers dock at the Hardhome docks. Jaune and Mercury get out together. They both had their swords on their hips.

"Do You trust me Jaune?" Mercury asked

June looked at Hardhome as they walked out "Does that make me an Idiot?" Jaune asked Mercury

Mercury smiled and looked to Hardhome "We're Idiots together now"

They walk to meet the men and women of Hardhome, lead by a man wearing full on Grimm Armor.

Mercury sighed as he saw him "Jaune this is the Lord of Bones" Neptune told Jaune as they meet each other

"Been a long time" Mercury told the lord of Bones

The lord of bones spat at Jaunes feet "Last time I saw you the little runt was your prisoner. The other way around now. What happened?" he asked Mercury

"War" was Mercury's reply

"You call that a war!?" LoB cried "The greatest army the East has ever seen cut to pieces by a Mistral Queen!?"

"get Sienna, Malbo, and Victoria, and let's find somewhere quiet to talk" Mercury told LoB

LoB sneered and moved closer to Mercury "You don't give the orders here"

"I'm not giving an order" Mercury told him

"Why aren't you in a Cell?" LoB asked

Jaune looked to LoB "He's not my prisoner and I'm not his" Jaune told him

"Oh really?" LoB asked with a sneer "What is he?"

"We're allies" Jaune told him

The Hardhome Faunas complain loudly. And LoB grabs his spear and points it at Mercury's neck

"You fucking traitor! You fight for the Blue Backs now!?"

"I don't fight for the Blue backs"

"We're not here to fight" Jaune told LoB as he had his hands on Croceas Mors "We're here to talk"

"Is that right? You and the pretty Blonde do a lot of talking, Mercury? And when you're done talking, do you get down on your knees and suck his cock--"

but before he could finish Mercury kicked his leg and then Mercury began to stomp on his face until he was dead. Mercury stopped and looked to another Faunas

"Get Sienna, Malbo, and Victoria, and Let's talk"

Jaune with Mercury at his right and Ilia to his left is surrounded by Sienna Khann a Fauns chieftess, Malbo Hornwood a Rhino Faunas in charge of Hardhome and Victoria Fan, a Faunas soldier who was a lieutenant to Adam and various other Faunas leaders of the East.

Jaune looked to each and everyone of them "My name's Jaune Arc. I'm Lord Commander of the Blue Fang. We're not friends. We've never been friends. We won't become friends today. This isn't about friendship. This is about survival. This is about putting a 700 foot wall between you and what's out there" Jaune told them

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