Part 1

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I remember the day like it was yesterday when I saw him after four years in high school he was the very same guy that stole my heart. His handsome straightface on with that cute small lips not forgetting his well-shaped eyebrows. He had grown a little bit those Chinese eyes were well exposed that's what attracted me in the first place. My whole crush stood there before me. I even doubt he knew I had a crush on him but I guess my action was loud enough as I acted fast to the situation. Before I knew it was right in his hands screaming his name embracing him. I couldn't resist the warmth of his well-shaped muscled body anyway the hug lasted for few seconds I couldn't help it but noted the confusion that was written all over his face even though he tried to hide it I guess he wasn't good at hiding it ..then there was the moment of silence I had to break the silent I had no choice "you seem to not remember me im katleho your former classmate". I'm already feeling so stupid right in front of him.
"Ooh ofcause who on earth will forget that cool innocent girl from my class ". Wow just wow that was his reply please tell me here will you blame me if I say I had to fight my tears from coming out that just torn me down has he ever thought of me being one of his girlfriends or he just sees innocent soul in me when I snap out of my thought I noted he uttered more words because answers were expected from me. I just stood there confused with disappointment written all over my face.
" Katleho are you okay," he asked "yeah i ..I'm good to see I have to rush somewhere it was really nice meeting you," I said .. I couldn't read his reaction but what was there to read I mean like I should've been stepping away right now.
"Can I have your number," he asked .. I turned I just frizzed" I mean so that we meet up and catch up ever since you are in rush" ooh mi gosh did he just said that. I tried to speak words failed me "I. Umh ..oh okay cool "that was my answer.. phew somebody just regained her smile anyway in Katleho Mashego ride along with me as you will be knowing my mysterious crush.

NOTE. Guys this is my first writing can I get your comment so that I know whether I'm good
or not cause I don't wanna be writing boring stories having u leave my page without even finish reading ..your comment will mean a lot to me The Naive Me

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