Part 55

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Juliet: Yes you are going to be a father
Daniel: I don't have time for this.
Juliet: Time for what, I am being truthfully to you.
Daniel: Because I want to leave you, you trapping me with the kid. he is not mine
Juliet: Am not trapping you with the child, I can do better than trapping you with a soul.
Daniel: Go and sit down do your calculations correctly and find your baby daddy and leave me out of this. I didn't impregnate you.



I was in the restaurant waiting for David, what a kinda man that keeps a lady waiting, but its not a big deal I mean like, I am here for business. He would've lost his points if it was for other reasons. I glanced at the door I saw him approaching my table, he looked so good like he used to be, nothing changed. he really leads me into temptation most of the time just to see his eyes and smile. With that smile on his face I tried to keep my straight face but I couldn't, I just blushed.

David: Ooh look at you, you reminds me of your first glimpse that took my interest.
Katleho: You are late.
David: It doesn't matter
Katleho: It does matters alot to me cause I booked you for this time and you showed up late, and kept me waiting
David: Ill make it up to you.
Katleho: ...
David: Am sorry I had to run some arrogance before our meeting, I guess that consumed my time but now I am all yours, you can do whatever you want with me.
Katleho:( Just to hear whatever I want, I had  naughty thoughts floating in my head ).
David: Look at you, you are blushing
Katleho: Can we get to business.
David: Yeah, you know its good to show that beautiful smile, don't be shy.
Katleho: David please
David: I missed you so hard.
Katleho: If you carry on I will leave.
David: Okay..what can I do for you sweet eyes
Katleho: Firstly I want you to stop sweet talking me, I mean if you up to do business with me.
David: You call it sweet talk I don't do that
Katleho: what do you call it?
David: Its beyond sweet talking, maybe expression of my view to you.
Katleho: Whatever it is should stop.
David: Not when we breathing the same air
Katleho: David!!!
David: Oh yeah keep calm I will try, but am not promising.
Katleho: It seems like am wasting our time, I will find someone to work with me( I said that standing up)
David: Okay, I will stop okay?. Take a sit and talk business,(whispering)
Ooh I forgot she easily get pissed.
Katleho: I hear you.( he gave me blank face). I want you to stalk my husband.
David: Why?
Katleho:( He seemed to take me serious, we are making a progress). I just want to know who he is hanging up with especially female side. I wanna know of who they are and the business they share with him.
David: Is he cheating on my sweet eyes?
Katleho: Its your business to find our Mr Private investigator
David: Okay, it's not a hard work I can give you feedback within 24 hours.
Katleho: I will hear from you
David: Anything else?
Katleho: So far I want that only, I will notify you if I want more.
David: So can we talk about us?
Katleho: Remember you said you will make it up to me, so its time, settle the bill as for me am out of here.( I said that exiting the restaurant leaving him sited.)
David:Come on, please don't leave me like that!!!

Well that's what he do, Private investigator we been working together as he go after investors that had interest in investing in my restaurant, so he's been having an interest in me, and he never quit, I tried to push him away it never worked that was when I stopped communication with him. I remembered him yesterday when I needed to find this chick that is screwing up my husband. just to give her a lesson to stay away from other people's husband.



I had my nights thinking of Mr Perfect, oh sorry I mean Lucky. You can't blame he is perfectly made from heaven. He never left my mind ever since the day I saw him. I tried to play hard to get but it seems like I have failed. Such games its not for me, or am just glue less on my own game that's lead me to loose. I woked up not so long ago, I went to the living room to check on everybody and there is no one here. it seems like I have this house all by my self, Just when I thought of that someone rings a doorbells, I went to open the door, ooh by the way I was messed up on my BJ's with sleepy face, I was at my worst and there he is Mr perfect on the doorsteps.

Precious: Lucky what are you doing here?
Lucky: I thought you said I should find you and I did.
Precious: What are you doing here?
Lucky: I had to find your beautiful soul, like you said.
Precious: ( He said that putting his arms around my waist, my whole body froze. I knew he is about to kiss me, before I knew it he reached to my lips. I didn't respond to the kiss, am glue less. I didn't know how to react towards the situation.he stopped)
Lucky: Are you okay. Oh man you are shaking, are you alright?
Precious: Umh I think you should leave, my parents will be back soon.
Lucky: I doubt, I checked on them and they are not about to be back anytime soon. so come here
Precious: Just go okay.
Lucky: Okay.

I stare at him stepping away, I could see his sad face, filled with disappointments, I tried to call him but I had no voice, just as he closes the door i don't know how I did it. I called him.

Precious: Lucky!!!
Lucky: Yes?
Precious: Am sorry about that just that you came here and I never expected you and, and, and I...
( As I was still stammering he came to me, before I knew it he smashed his lips to mine I had to go with the flow, responding to how he kisses me..)

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