part 38

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It was a long journey to reach home and I so wished that the journey could be extended because I wasn't ready to go home to face my mother. He meant his words, throughout the journey he kept on asking me about Germain, he needed to know if am going to tell him about our unborn baby

Daniel: are you going to tell him?

Katleho: after discovering about this pregnancy he was the first person I tried to get a hold on

Daniel: It sounds like you didn't succeed

Katleho: yes I left missed calls for him and then his girlfriend got back to me and tell me to stay away from his man that's when I learned to mind my own business

Daniel: but that doesn't mean that he knows about your pregnancy

Katleho: I prefer to keep it that way

Daniel: that's so unfair katleho even though he can't or might not take responsibility but at least let him know so that if he doesn't support the kid but he will be knowing about the baby

Katleho: aah Daniel ill sleep on it

Daniel: please do so, so what're your plans to support the kid

Katleho: I will figure something out

Daniel: who's going to take care of that kid while you finish your studies are you planning to drop out?

Katleho: Just stop it Daniel stop stressing me

Daniel: ooh am sorry it wasn't my intention, just that you might be asked such questions when you get home I needed to hear if you are prepared

Katleho: it's all confusing me Daniel I don't know what happened for my life to turn to be a mess like this at this short space

Daniel; we will get through it all and know that I will support you

He reached his left hand to my hands and hold at them tightly, I believe in every word he said, before I knew it we exited Polokwane and now am giving him the direction to my home. When we get home my mother was outside under the tree, she was shocked to see me I don't know if it was about seeing me or the fact that I was indeed pregnant or the fact that I came while she told me not to set my feet at her place.

Daniel: Thobela ( Greetings)

Mama: Age ngwanaka lekae? (hello my Child how are you)

Daniel: Re gona rekara lena? (Am good and how are you)

Mama: re gona areyeng ka ntlong( am good let's get inside the house)

Katleho:( we moved inside, I was too nervous I can say, I was shaking) it's good to see you again after a long time mother

Mama: I see that you are indeed pregnant but at least he is here he didn't give you baggage and run away

Daniel: yeah I...

Katleho: he is not responsible for this pregnancy mama

Mama: exactly what I have been avoiding, who's responsible?

Katleho: (I took a deep breath and stare at Daniel for the seconds) Germain Kgasago

Mama: Oh Lord with all people you went for that child Katleho what were you thinking am not surprised that you had to go through this journey alone

Katleho: ( her voice filled the whole room I expected that from her I was surprised by how calm she was when we get here and to even welcome Daniel with warm hands) mama come down, please

Mama: Don't you dare tell me to come down he should pay for this whole shit he caused you, who's going to take care of this child cause you see am jobless, are you going to quit you studies to look after him, he couldn't wait to destroy your life so that he gets married, am going to his place right now and give him my piece of mind nobody mess with my kids and get away with it

Katleho: what no! Mother let him be please you can't be causing drama now

Daniel: Katleho is right let's find a better way to solve this matter other than doing that, going there causing drama it won't change the fact that he impregnated katleho please just be calm if it's about damages we will figure something out to send message to them.

Mama: I don't want their money

Katleho: Am so glad, mama am sorry that I had to disappoint you by falling pregnant before completing my studies. I am sorry that I had to take drag your image in a mud, am sorry that...

Mama: Its okay katleho it happened and again is not about my image you are 22 now you have responsibility just that I did that to protect you from destroying your future but I believe its a lesson you have learned from it next time you will be extra careful and again am sorry I had to throw those spiteful words to you, I wasn't my self and am glad you came home.

Katleho: (I was now tearing) am happy to be home thanks mother I love you

Mama: I love you too and am glad he brought you home thank you son

Daniel: my pleasure it's my queue to leave and Katleho please take I will check up on you later

Katleho: okay we will talk ( a minute after he left)

Mama: who is he?

Katleho: let's just say a friend who's taking a good care of me

Mama: I doubt he is a friend

Katleho: I had a long journey I should take a rest plus I missed my room

Mama: you running away from the truth in that case ill prepare something for you to eat

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