part 47

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17 years later

Katleho: Precious you are not going anywhere tonight, if you dare sneak out again don't bother to come back

Precious: But mama I always ensure to be back before ten, its not like I will be gone for two weeks

Katleho: Its not about time precious its about your safety, I am concerned about your safety. This thing of yours is putting your life in danger. How am I gonna get you out of prison, you only just 17 precious, 17 years.

Precious: mama I am doing what I like, and I just discovered my career please atleast support me for once

Katleho: remember what happened last time I wont be there to protect you, you are not going anyway

Precious: Mama Imma big girl now, I assure you I can take care of my self, it wont happen again

Katleho: precious I can't pretend with you, I wont act like, I like what you are doing, what happened last time I don't wanna go through that again. You are not doing that artist thing infact am going to lock you up in your room

Precious: Uncle Dee please intervene.

Daniel: she's your mother, you should comply with what you are being told.

Precious: aaah whatever, what was I thinking he will always side with her, she's his woman. am going to take an early sleep.

Katleho: respect precious respect come back here!!( She gave me her back and go to her room this girl)

Daniel: I think you are going hard on her

Katleho: I can't sit back and watch her destroying her future, she performs badly in school while busy chasing her talent no Daniel, I don't get it why she had to take after his father, now he is destroying my child.

Daniel: but you know you can't stop her from doing what she wants

Katleho: she just discovered her talent I should try harder to get between it or else am going to loose her, going to club at the age of 17 what if she gets arrested. What will I do without her, she's my only child Daniel. I can't loose her for her stupid career

Daniel: okay goodluck know that you have mu support

Katleho: thanks I really need that

Daniel: but you know she's hard headed, its not gonna be easy

Katleho: Ill do whatever it takes

Precious: my mother can be so strict, she doesn't want me to attend my gigs. I don't know whats with her, everybody around here love my performance. I am good, people will be like I took after my father, I never get to hear his work. So my mother on the other side she deny me with my freedom. I want my freedom. She's been hard on me, other folks don't mind having their kids going out.

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