Part 76

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I called my father and tell him about the situation, the whole didn't waste time to be here. They agreed to carry on with the burial. My father said that everybody from Kgasago's family deserves a dignified funeral. As long as the money won't be coming from my pockets I worry less, As for Tebogo, after hearing that the family is willing to carry on with the funeral, she didn't waste time she just packed her belongings and hit the road. I tried to convince her to stay, she told me that she stands for her words. she deserve a break, I will see her after the storm and ask for my hand in marriage to her family, that's what she wants. after all, she carried three of my children. she deserves it.  With all the funeral preparation, I got carried. I haven't paid a visit to Precious, but I ensure to call Katleho daily so that she keeps me updated. it's sad, it pains me to hear that she's still in the same state with no change. I am not of a much believer but I ensure to kneel down day and night for God to provide his mercy upon her, For God to save her. Life is tough, I bet you thought I don't love or care about her and you are surprised of my sudden change, I have been watching him playing a father figure, I tried to the middle in, but I felt like I don't fit. He was taking good care of my Girl, he would present himself every time he's needed. I even felt like I don't deserve her, after all the pain I have caused to her mother, I just thought, it's best to keep distance and allow her to be happy and indeed she was happy, I don't know what went south, so I used the opportunity to right my wrongs, to rectify my past. I know it's impossible as history can't be changed, but the moment of being there for someone when they needed a shoulder to cry on, It can make a change and make people to easily forgive you. So it's my way of saying I am sorry for what I have done to her. we were still young, making mistakes. Today we went to town to buy groceries as the funeral services will be taking place in two days' time. I hate it when everyone comes here playing a pity party as if we loved each other as if she was my heaven on earth, It pisses me off. I just want this whole thing to be over. I took out my phone and call Katleho.

Germain: Hello, katleho, how are you today?
Katleho: I am good thanks and how are you?
Germain: This whole thing gives me a headache
Katleho: How is everything coming along though?
Germain: Good, my mother has everything under control, as we speak, we went out for grocery
Katleho: I wonder if she is surviving, a funeral can be a headache, where is Tebogo?
I hope she's helping
Germain: She left, she says, it's disrespectful to carry-on with the funeral while she lives with me
Katleho: You are kidding right?
Germain: I wish, she took my kids with her, this place is frustrating me, plus now that everybody is here for the funeral
Katleho: I am sorry that I can't be there to help you or support you like how you do with me?
Germain: It's okay, Precious needs you ever since am still caught up in here
Katleho: I understand
Germain: I believe you won't be chasing me out if I show up on your doorstep, I will be escaping from this hell
Katleho: You have turned my house into your second home
Germain: You gave me warm welcoming so you are to be blamed
Katleho: Ha ha ha, it's okay you can come, for mind refreshment, plus I get lonely sometimes, being alone in that big house
Germain: I will check up on you when I get time, okay?
Katleho: I would appreciate that
Germain: Let me get busy
Katleho: Okay, thanks for the call
Germain: sharp



He usually calls me when he knows the visiting hours are over, he would call and keep my company. He keeps me out of loneliness, it's late, my queue to go back home, It's draining to see my child with her state not changing. Starting from tomorrow, I am going to bury my self in work to keep me from thinking too much. but only if I will be able to focus. I heard a knock, I went to open the door. it was David, for the first time his presence pissed me off. He was holding some red roses and wine, he is smiling on my doorsteps.

Katleho: How can I help you, David?
David: I came here to check up on you
Katleho:( His smile face turned to be concerned face) For what, why do you suddenly care about me?
David: I don't think I follow
Katleho: Just follow, you came here to play a pity party, after all, you knew that my child was in trouble, you should've done something to prevent that, you should've saved her, In fact, you did nothing because you needed a favor in return, you needed everything to play for your interest, we both know that you would've prevented this from happening if you didn't choose to be selfish, I wasn't gonna be here on this mess today, my daughter wouldn't be laying in that bed helplessly. If my daughter dies, you are to be blamed for her death, know that I will never gonna forgive you!!!
David: I am sorry
Katleho: Save your sorry and leave my house do not come back, I Don't wish to see you ever again, Oh and before you leave, I will need this

I took the wine out of his hand, he left. I will spend the whole night drowning at this wine



After the talk with my mother, I felt different, I was slowly accepting, It was hard, his death torn me down. we were at his home, giving help with hands, as in like peeling vegetables and preparing food for people who already came to attend the funeral. it wasn't easy for me to be at this place, being here reminds me of him, each and every single moment we spend here, I remember the first day I came here with him. It was the day he took my virginity. I was still young and Naive, every corner of this house reminds me of him, the memories play in my head like an old video clip, I would be lost in my thoughts with my imagination, and prevent tears from coming out. I decided to join a group of ladies in the tent, at least my relationship with him wasn't popular, I won't be receiving pity looks, only people who knew about us was from my street. I went to join them and engage in their conversation. but my mind would rewind to the memories. They were a couple of girls from my street, and they paid to focus on me. I believe they search through me to see how is everything sitting with me, one of them asked me if am okay while I was lost in my thoughts, she caught me.

Mahlako: Lerato are you okay?
Lerato: Yes why?
Mahlako: It seems like you are lost in your thoughts and you are about to cry
Mercy: Plus I heard that you were so close with the guy, I am so sorry
Tshephang: As for me I feel pity for his wife and the child, I could see sadness through them, It hurts to loose mate at such a young age
Mahlako: Ssssh, you should learn to keep your mouth shut
Tshephang: Ah it's not like there is someone from the family here, after all, I am just saying my mind towards this
Lerato: What are you guys talking about?
Tshephang: The lady that is sitting on the sponge, she's his wife, they been together since from high school, so the lady relocated. he even paid half of the Lobola, I feel sorry for the girls that he's been running around with, at least today they are aware of their side chick status

I just dropped whatever I had in my hands and leave without turning back and I heard them say

Tshephang: What is wrong with her?
Mercy: She is one of the side chicks you referring to
Mahlako: I told you, you have a big mouth see what you did with your big mouth
Mahlako called my name as she followed me, as soon as I exited the gate I was now shedding tears, she reached to me.

Mahlako: Lerato are you okay?
Lerato: No, I am not okay, how could he leave me. He left me here all alone, he had a lady who meant a world to him and he kept on lying to me saying that, I am the only lady who stole his heart on this earth, all his love was a lie, He was just passing time with me. This is the last time I set my feet here.
Mahlako: I am sorry, but...
I didn't give her a chance, I just left her standing calling my name.

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