Part 17

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Katleho: Famous Kay Geeh sing for me
Germain: umh katleho I don't sing I rap
Katleho: Yeah rap for me
Germain: Ooh you want to hear my work ... I have a better offer for you
Katleho: Am listening baeb
Germain: Come with you on vacation to Durban for three weeks..even if it can be a week it's ok then I will ensure that I reserve a ticket for you on VIP section on my gigs
Katleho: Wait for what!!
Germain: Please say yes..we will be leaving in two days. it's gonna be fun I promise
Katleho: You mean to tell me that in two days' time you will be away to Durban and you never bother to tell me!!
Germain: But babe
Katleho: Don't you dare but baeb me you should've alerted me at least
Germain: I accepted this offer long ago before having you on the picture, I even forgot about it. I am sorry please forgive me.
Katleho: Argh you can do better
Germain: Of course I can do better
He said that tickling me that cause me to laugh harder..the night in his place was fun, we had too much sex. I enjoyed every session I'm even scared to turn into sex addict, I can't believe I am not gonna get the chance to spend the whole December with him, I mean he will be gone soon I bet I'm gonna miss him, Even though he promised to call me every moment he gets I still gonna miss his kisses, touches, his smile everything about him makes me happy, I still can't believe my mysterious crush belongs to my heart finally,


Days went by, its been two weeks without him here I miss him, all I do is sleeping, eating expecting his calls..he calls sometimes. Our talk never last two minutes I don't know maybe he is busy my sister tried to entertain my company until she quits, she's always out to Chisanyama. I went through Facebook only to have him tagged with the caption (I'm neighbor with the famous Kay Geeh).
I don't know if I have to be jealous but the picture is too cosy even though they seem to have a company. I went through her timeline to stalk her she's one of those slay queens she should be around 19 or 20 she's beautiful and sexy. I felt tears burning to my eyes so she must be the reason why I have less attention,
I took my phone to make a phone call

Germain: My baeb
Katleho: (there is too much noise they seem to have a party ) Hello
Germain: Are you ok, I miss you so much
Katleho: Ooh
Germain: What!
Katleho: But you hardly calls ( i hear a female voice calling his name from the background) who is calling you?
Germain: Umh my Neighbour see I gotta go have a beautiful sleep
He hunged just wow I thought it will be different but I guess I was wrong here we go again the history just repeated itself ..I broke down cry my self to sleep.

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