Part 79

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The following day, I was a little bit better, in less pain comparing to my yesterday. I was tired of lying on this bed. I want to get off, but just to make a movement I feel pain. what a lovely surprise, I said

Precious: Lerato, are you okay? ( She broke down, and cry her lungs out, I have never seen her this broken, she has always been the strongest one to support me, I don't even know how to handle her) It's okay, baby am alright,( she kept on crying) You gonna make me cry too
Lerato: Precious, I, I thought I lost you.
Precious: I should've been at my worst
Lerato: You Were so near to death
Precious: Oh
Lerato: I am sorry, I am still trying to process the fact that you are here, Are you sure you are not a ghost?
Precious: Get out of here, come here
Lerato: I am confused, I don't know if I should go out or come
Precious:( We laughed, she embraced me but careful not to hurt me) My best friend
Lerato: How are you feeling?
Precious: So much better now that you are here, how are you holding up?
Lerato: Better thanks
Precious: They told me about his death
Lerato: Oh I don't wanna talk about it
Precious: I am not your mother or a friend you met 5 months ago I am Precious Kgasago, your best friend
Lerato: Thanks for the reminder, He's been fooling me, for the whole three years
Precious: Huh?
Lerato: He married a girl
Precious: Get out of here
Lerato: I wish to say am kidding, but am for real
Precious: How did you know?
(she explained to me of what happened before the funeral service, she still seemed broken)
I am sorry that I wasn't there for you
Lerato: I am just glad you are here now
Precious: Desmond, does the name ring a bell to you?
Lerato: I know nobody of the name
Precious: Ohw, am confused, I thought you will be telling me about him
Lerato: What's going on Precious?
Precious: There's a guy who came here, His name is Desmond. He is acting weird. It scares me, yesterday he was here, he was running his hands on my body. what if he comes here and rapes me
Lerato: Precious this is serious, you should talk to someone about this
Precious: He scares me, I am afraid of being here all alone
Lerato: What if you guys had a thing you know, like umh...
Precious: There is no way, he's intimidating and it has always been Lucky, talking about Lucky he never came to see me
Lerato: Last time I check things were not good between you too
Precious: What do you mean?
Lerato: You were...
Precious: Lerato can you please go and tell Lucky to come and see me?
Lerato: What !!! No, I can't do that
Precious: Please I beg, I really want to see him, I missed him so much
Lerato: Precious, but...
Precious: Help a friend please, you want me to get off this bed and kneel before you to beg?
Lerato: Okay fine, I'll pass by before I go home
Precious: Thanks, a lot I owe you a lot
Lerato: You owe me a full recovery
Precious: Just a matter of time

We had our chat, talking about what's happening generally and talking about school. I missed a lot, 7 months of my life, WOW miracles do happen.



I went to work early in the morning, I needed to catch up and see Precious on the afternoon, Well I didn't have much work all thanks to the management, she did a great job. My day got ruined when I see Daniel and Juliet getting into my restaurant all cozy laughing. I froze and gave them a stare, I noted another thing. She is pregnant, so he did it this time around, he left me for her. My heart shattered, tears burning to come out, I prevent them from coming out. Daniel noted me as he waves at me, I broke my stare and move to the office. I wasn't aware that I was followed until I hear a knock, the person knocked once and open up. It was Marry

Marry: Boss are you okay?
Katleho: I am good, how can I help you?
Marry: I just thought I should check up on you cause I saw everything, the scene disturbed you.
Katleho:( yelling) I didn't hire you to check up on me instead of doing your work!!!
Marry: I am sorry ill go out
Katleho: I am sorry, it's hurting, I have been through a lot, he never came to check up on me, in fact, he was out there with her, impregnating her, my daughter, our daughter almost lost her life, he didn't care about her to see if she's okay.
Marry: I am sorry
Katleho: ( she gave me a hug, I needed that, I broke it and wipe my tears off) I will be fine, go back to work.

she went out and Germain got in

Katleho: Germain why do I feel like you can't go a day without seeing me?
Germain: As if you doing good without me, see you have been crying
Katleho: Get out of here
Germain: But on a serious note, you been crying
Katleho: I am fine
Germain: Is it because of Daniel?
Katleho: It's a reminder to say, I have my freedom, I had my focus on Precious I even forgot to live a little
Germain: I sense trouble
Katleho: No, its gonna be fun believe me
Germain: What do you have in mind Katleho
Katleho: Nothing
Germain: Just Nothing
Katleho: Yes, just nothing
Germain: Okay

He gave me a suspicious look, I smiled, Now that my daughter is good, I should live a little

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