Part 89

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David came back, he was no longer in the mood. He even insisted to drive me home.

Katleho: What is bugging you, David?
David: It is nothing serious
Katleho: I don't take that
David: Can we not talk about it, Let me drive you home
Katleho: No thanks, if you can't talk with me then don't bother to drive me home, I am not leaving with you, I will call an Uber
David: You don't have to do that
Katleho: Only if you gonna tell me what's bugging you, then I won't do that
David: It's nothing Katleho
Katleho: Okay then have a beautiful evening David
David: I said I am taking you home
Katleho: Let's see if you going to drag me to your car
David: Do I really have to do that, Katleho stop being so stubborn, please
Katleho: Ooh, I am stubborn now!!
David: What do you call this, You can't be requesting an Uber this time while I am here, while I can take you home
Katleho: You don't want to tell me what's going on and again I am not letting you drive me home, after all, you insisted that I will be sleeping over and then boom there's a sudden change
David: Is this the reason why you are angry?
Katleho: You don't even want to tell me the reason behind your sudden change of plans and yet you call me a stubborn, you know what David maybe coming here was a mistake, maybe accepting you was a mistake
David: You are being unfair, you don't mean that don't you?
Katleho: I am out of here

I said that as I take out my phone with the aim of calling an Uber, he didn't stop me. He just let me go


I was seated wondering how am I going to convince Tebogo to come back. I was wondering if she is going to be convinced to come back home with me. I was holding my phone, hoping to receive an SMS from Katleho. I thought she would reply to my text by now. It's been two hours now. Argh, let me stop wondering around and take a road to face my demons. I took a quick shower but before I leave I took a ring. I glanced at it. I hope my plan works, I hope I don't get rejected. I sighed, I am nervous. I took a drive to Tebogo's home. On my driving I just suddenly changed my mind, I changed my directions.


It took 5 minutes for my Uber to come. I went home, I found Germain cooking in my kitchen, My kitchen, he got a nerve.

Katleho: Germain what are you doing here?
Germain: I told you I am spending a night here and I was in no mood for takeaways
Katleho: You have the nerve to come here and get your ass in my kitchen!!!
Germain: Why are you so bitter, what did I do wrong? after all, it used to be our dream, you come home late and find me in your kitchen preparing Dinner for us
Katleho: How did you get here?
Germain: The door wasn't locked
Katleho: What do you want here Germain, we both know you weren't supposed to be here, I mean like, you stated it clearly
Germain: That is the reason why I am here
Katleho: The reason why you are here, You still said nothing ( he was coming near me now)
Germain: I am here to spend a night with my family
Katleho: I don't have time for this( He got closer to me, I could feel him from a distance, I could feel him so hard the heat between us. I just melted)
Germain: What is wrong, are you sure you okay?
Katleho:( To hear him asking me that question, I just felt a need to have a say, To pour out what I have held since long ago) I am Not good
Germain: What's bugging you?
Katleho: (He was really concerned) It's you, Germain
( Confusion was written all over his face) Yes, it's you, I hate that I love you!!! I love you so hard and you don't care, you don't give a damn about it. You always here as playing the caring part. If only you knew that getting closer to me torture me, you wouldn't set your feet here. Every time I see you that's when I realize how much I want you, what is it that I should do to get into your arms. What is it that should be done to make you understand how much I need you. I have suffered enough from keeping my feelings from you. I am fed up with you and your game. I think it's time we talk this out. Tell me, Germain, say it on my face. Tell me you don't love me, tell me you don't want me so that  I am being set free, I promise you, I will walk away and play far from you. If it takes me to forget over you, I will do as long as I know you don't love me.
Germain: I can't believe you are the one saying those words to me, especially after shutting down like that
Katleho: You left me broken, you have broken my heart too hard but my heart still calls for you.
Germain: I can say I erased you from my mind and never think of you, forget about the things we made, the memories we shared but in the end, I find myself in need of you. Katleho I am in a wrong journey going in a circle, I am lost in the middle of nowhere, I am walking in darkness, you are my light, you are what I should hold on to for my survival. Something is missing, the part of me it's missing. You are the missing part of me KATLEHO KGASAGO, I am so damn inlove with you. I never stopped loving you, believe me, I never did, When I think of what I have done, the whole pain I have cost to you, how could you still be here telling me that you love me and you want me. You still forgive me, I never gave you my heart cause I never thought you deserve any of me, even though I knew you all I need. It breaks my heart to think that loving me is not easy to do and I don't mean to make it hard but if it takes my whole life I will make it up to you. I will give my love to you in spite of everything. from this day forward I am truly yours, It took me a while to see that we are meant for one other
Katleho: Wow Germain ( I saw tears from his face as he went down, he, he is kneeling down for me)
Germain: Katleho kgasago will you please marry me?
Katleho: Germain I, ( that took me by surprise, as I was still stuttering someone opened the door, it was David) David!!

David: What is going on here Katleho?
Germain: I am still waiting for my answer katleho
David: Stop wasting your time and get up, she is finally mine now, she belongs to me
Katleho: ( Germain was too surprised) David!!!
David: Don't David me, tell him babe.
Germain: Is it true Katleho?
Katleho( I took a deep breath and stare at David, he grinned) Yes, I mean No!!
David: What!!
Katleho: I am still standing with my words Germain, I choose you and I am accepting your proposal if it still stands
David: You don't mean that do you? katleho no!! You can do this to me
Germain: I guess now you know your status,  can you please join us for the celebration?

Katleho: (David didn't hesitate to throw a fist on Germain's face, I screamed, being scared) David stop it, David!! ( Germain was fighting back breaking my furniture. I was helplessly watching them, they got disturbed by someone one who was knocking hard on my door) shit just see what you have done David!! (Germain was bleeding a little, I signed him to clear off the blood on his nose, he did as I went to open up the door)

Katleho: Detective
Detective: Good evening Mrs. Kgasago, can we get inside?
Katleho: Yeah( they got inside, they kept their stare on Germain and David) How can I help you?
Detective: We are looking for this person, last time he was seen, he was with your daughter
Katleho:( It was a glimpse of Desmond) Desmond with my daughter!! No, my daughter is in her room, she always locked her self in her room
Detective: Are you sure?
Katleho: Yes, I am sure
Detective: Is everything alright here?
Germain: Yes everything is okay, right David?
David: Yes we are good
Katleho: Yeah this mess we were just looking for something you know( I had guilty written all over my face)
Detective: Are you sure Mrs?
Katleho: I am so sure
Detective: Okay, if you see him or hear something about him please call us
Katleho: Okay, I will do that

They went out, I looked at Germain I said to him

Katleho: Precious is at her room right Germain?
Germain: I never saw her since I got here
Katleho: What!! What do you mean you never saw her( I didn't wait for him to reply, I just rushed to her room, I found a letter on her bed and her house keys, David and Germain came after me rushing. They froze as they note the letter on the bed. I wasted no time and opened the letter)

Dear Mama

This place is carrying bad memories for me, I almost lost my life because of your baggage and the unresolved businesses of yours. I love you so much but living with you almost cost my life. I can't carry on living with you. I need to restart my life and check on the positive side of life. I love his mother and too much, that is why I decided to move on with him. I don't know where I am going but I assure you, I am in good hands. I got my trust in him as he has protected me, just as how much as he begged you to not signing up the papers to end my life. You lost hope in me as he had one. If you love me enough you will let me go without searching for me. I am certain about my decision and I have my trust in him, I repeat I am in the good hards. Please take care of yourself and fix your things up with Germain he loves you truly

Your beloved Daughter

I looked at Germain as I was crying.
Katleho: She left me Germain!!

He came closer and embrace me as I was crying my lungs out. The story of my life.

The End

The Naivë Me

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